Chapter 3

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Hoseok's POV

Yoongi and I didn't have time to discuss anything after we left Omega Escort the previous day. Due to the upcoming merging, there is tenfold work in the companies. Besides, it takes just as much effort to keep our plan secret from our families.

That's why we need omega as soon as possible. To keep our curious parents distracted from business at least for a short amount of time. That will be more than enough.

"I hope we aren't making a mistake. I mean choosing someone who will live with us just according to the way he looks is fucking stupid." Yoongi comments as we are on our way to meet Jimin. He brought up the subject of omega for the first time since we saw the male's angelic face yesterday.

"Seokjin assured us that Jimin is one of the best omegas in there. I don't think he's going to be troublesome."

"You don't think or you hope he won't be? There is a big difference."

I cock a brow at my snarly boyfriend. "What's up with you today? Why are you so annoyed? Do you want to talk about something?"

Yoongi looks out of the window of my Bugatti. There is no particular reason for his specific mood. Everything that has been happening in our lives since we were basically forced to announce our relationship was overwhelming. Everyone who isn't too lazy, judges and criticizes us.

Sometimes it gets too much even for a strong alpha like my Yoongi and he is having days like this when he can get frustrated over anything.

"No, I'm just.... tired I guess. Whatever, let's just meet this omega and hope that he'll agree to help us out."

Once we arrive and I park the car, I lean to my boyfriend and cup his face gently. Yoongi's alpha instantly jumps to the front of his mind, preening up at his future mate.

"Everything will be okay. Let's calm down, take a deep breath, and hope for the best. If the worst happens and our plan fails, even if we end up getting disowned, we still aren't going to lose each other. Okay?"

My savory cinnamon scent is prominent in the car. My alpha is releasing pheromones to calm down our stressed lover. My wolf doesn't like it when we see Yoongi restless or worried. My eyes sparkle with love as I hold Yoongi's chubby cheeks in my palms.

This alpha has no business looking so cute. How can I stand a chance against him?

"That's for sure, baby." Yoongi leans, closing the gap between our lips. He places one hand on my neck, deepening the kiss. I know Yoongi is addicted to my sweet and woody taste of cinnamon.

"I love you so much. We will do everything to make this work. Let's go and convince that omega to help us." I tell Yoongi who nods, brushing our noses together, and then nuzzles my scent gland gently.

"Alright, let's do it." He says with determination, finally detaching himself from me, much to our wolves' dissatisfaction. "Hey, do you have something sweet in the car?"

"Sure, here you go."  I take out a chocolate bar from the glove box and give it to him.

Eating sweets and savories is one of Yoongi's favorite coping mechanisms. I have chocolate tucked in all of my cars and even in the office to suggest it to my boyfriend anytime he'd need it. Like now.

"Thank you, love. Now, let's go."


Yoongi's POV

Hoseok and I meet Seokjin once again. We briefly go through some details and thankfully he informs us that Jimin accepted our terms. I barely hold back a joyful grin. Relief is written all over our faces.

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