Chapter 26

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Taehyung's POV

I'm screwed up. Like literally. 

I promised Jin-hyung that me and Jimin would babysit Nabi today, but Jungkook called me 20 minutes ago asking to come over as soon as possible. Last night his grandfather had some complications and now the alpha wants us to visit him as soon as possible. I wanted to say no, but he sounded so stressed over the phone I couldn't find in myself the power to deny him. 

So, I am on my way to Jungkook's apartment on Saturday morning with a baby in my arms. I tried to call Jimin and ask him to come over to my place so he could stay with Nabi while I would be gone, but that little bitch is unreachable! 

What is the point of having a phone if you don't answer it?

I already left him a dozen voicemails and I might even consider breaking off our friendship if he doesn't call me back ASAP.

I finally reach Jungkook's apartment breathless, panting like I have run a marathon. Nabi looks up at me with her doe hazel eyes as I keep knocking on the door non-stop. 

"I'm so sorry, baby. Let's leave this a secret between us, okay? If your dada asks, we spent a whole day at my place, deal?"

She keeps staring at me, clearly not understanding anything I'm telling her. I just kiss her forehead, knocking once again. Thankfully, this time someone opens it.

To my surprise, it isn't the raven-haired alpha I expected. Instead, the tall man with broad shoulders and a big, muscled body stands in front of me. 

The wave of hazelnut washes over me. The tight-fitting gym clothes he wears showcase his well-defined muscles. His grayish hair is slightly tousled, strands falling across his forehead, and it adds to his rugged charm. There's a raw masculinity about him at this moment, something I have rarely witnessed before.

In other words, this alpha is dead gorgeous.

"How can I help you?" He asks me as I am busy gaping at him like some pervert. I quickly gather myself, closing my mouth and meeting his gaze. I don't think I have ever met such an exquisite pair of eyes before. 

His dragon-like eyes convey a sense of intelligence and awareness as if they hold all the secrets and wisdom in this world.

"I'm here for Jungkook." 

"Oh, you must be Taehyung, right?" He smiles at me and I instantly nod, stepping inside when he motions me to come in. "I've heard a lot about you."

"I hope only good." I joke, adjusting Nabi on my hip. 

"Only the best." The alpha, Namjoon, leads me to the living room. I have been in this apartment two times before, but Jungkook's cousin was always at work whenever I came over. 

I have googled almighty Kim Namjoon, but I didn't expect him to be this... big? I don't know, if I had to describe him with one word it would be Alpha with a capital letter. He's just radiating this freaking dominance that will make any omega drop on their knees for him. Willingly. 

"Is Jungkook home? He asked me to come as soon as I could." I sit on the couch, placing Nabi on my lap and hugging her to my body. She lets out small squeals and giggles. When I glance down at her, she is staring at Namjoon curiously and is making grabby hands toward him. 

That's weird, Nabi doesn't like strangers.

The alpha crouches down in front of us, smiling at the pup with such gentleness it's really adorable. 

"He'll be out in a minute, Taehyung. And who is this little girl?" He uses a baby voice for Nabi and the pup claps in the most adorable way. Her giggles fill the room and I honestly, have never thought I'd ever see Nabi so eager to go to someone's arms. She is bouncing on my lap, her tiny arms in the direction of Namjoon, demanding the alpha to take her.

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