Chapter 24

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Jimin's POV

Life is beautiful.

I have repeated this sentence as matra whenever I felt the lowest and needed motivation to keep going. 

When I left the orphanage and lived on the streets. 

When my landlord kept threatening to kick me out. 

When I was tearing apart between two jobs and trying to pay off my student loan, plus attending classes. 

When I got weird ass clients with creepy vibes. 

When I went on a real date just for the guy to suggest sex right after and never call me back when I refused. 

Whenever something shitty came up, I would remind myself that there is something more that life suggests. That one day something good will happen to me too because it's impossible to always have bad luck. 

The moment Hoseok and Yoongi admitted that they reciprocated my feelings, I felt like I was levitating. In a literal and figurative sense. 

People say that certain moments in life might be the most important and determining. Just in one second, your life can completely change. I believed that meeting Taehyung was such a moment. The one that changed the course of my life. 

But now, I have no doubts that finding out the alphas that I have so carelessly fallen for like me back, was that earth-shattering moment in my life. 

Honestly, I never fancied the thought of our relationship becoming real, not to burden myself with delusions, but now it all feels too surreal. 

For over a month I have played the role of a little trophy omega with a beautiful face, wide smile and only one aim in life: to please his alphas and bear as many pups as possible. 

At every public appearance that was the only topic anyone brought up with me. Nothing about myself, only about how I managed to snatch two of the hottest and richest alphas all for myself. 

I could practically feel the jealousy radiating from omegas. Each one of those socialites wanted nothing more than to marry someone like Yoongi or Hoseok and only worry about how to spend alpha's money for the rest of their days. 

Then there were the alphas' parents, our main audience. They watched over us like hawks. I'm pretty sure Mrs. Min still thinks that I'm a gold-digging whore, but she doesn't oppose our relationship that much since I told her about my 'dream' to have at least five or six pups. 

However, she did try to coax me into driving Hoseok out of the relationship, but I politely changed the subject. I wonder when is she going to accept the fact that her son will be mated to the alpha.

No matter how hard it was, I did a great job in proving Hoseok's and Yoongi's parents my worth. They are stubborn, old-fashioned and might not always be putting their children's best interests first, but the fact that they were in Yoongi's and Hoseok's lives already makes me respect them.

I might be biased a lot, but I think any parent who was present in their children's lives and didn't abandon them, deserves a second chance. That's why I am patient with them, visit them every weekend and kill 'em with my kindness. 

Thanks to Omega Escort, I've learned approach to all kinds of people, not to mention how to use my natural charms to my advantage. It's easier than it looks, actually. You give people what they want and they start liking you. Even if that takes time. 

However, one thing I never intended or expected to happen was for Hoseok and Yoongi to actually like me back. I throw my hands and legs in the air as if in a tantrum, still trying to proceed it. Needless to say, I haven't slept last night. 

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