Chapter 47

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Jimin's POV

My head throbs as I slowly open my eyes and try to adjust my vision to the brightness. Before I can register anything around me, I feel my arms and legs tied by ropes as I'm seated on something soft. 

A few moments later I realize that it's a large bed and I'm in an unfamiliar bedroom. I try to wriggle around but the ropes dig deeper in my skin and hurt me more. The panic overtakes my senses and I want out of here, I want home in the safety of my alphas.

I look around, looking for anything that can help me to escape. Unfortunately, I'm surrounded by nothing but a single table next to the window. 

I recall everything in my mind in chronological order.

Fuck, Naera kidnapped me! 

That bitch. When my alphas find us, I'll beat her ass myself for doing this to me. I grit my teeth together in anger. It's good. I need to focus on my anger and my desire to survive, otherwise, panic will consume me.

But my confidence to stay strong lasts only a minute longer until the door creaks open and the alpha that has haunted me in nightmares enters the bedroom.


The nausea hits me. I'm trapped with tied hands and legs with the man who has threatened to mate me against my will. I don't think I've ever been this vulnerable i before. 

My brain works overdrive trying to calculate my next move, to find a way to keep myself and my pup alive until my alphas come for me. I have no doubt they will come and save me. I need to win as much time for them as possible. 

"Jungho, what are you doing here?" I ask him calmly and he smiles at me, sending shivers down my body. 

"I brought you here, Jimin. I finally found a way for us to be reunited. No one will separate us anymore." 

The bile coats my throat. I squeeze my hands, trying not to show my terror. But my voice still quivers as I ask, "What do you mean?"

"Those dumb alphas thought they could get between us, between our love, Jimin. But I won't let them. You were born for me, baby. To mate me and carry my pups. I knew it from the first day I saw you, my love."

"What?" I sound pathetic and weak. I'm trapped here with this insane alpha. He can do whatever he wants to me and no one will be able to stop him, not even me.

"I know we had some disagreements in the past," He comes closer to me and sits on the edge of the bed, I slightly shift away from him, but he still places his hand on top of my thigh. "But I think now is the right time for us to start over. I will give you everything you need, Jimin. Money, care, love. You'll have it all, my darling."

That smile and mad glint in his eyes... How could I not realize it before? This man is a real psychopath. He can kill me without any regrets and move on to another victim.

I need to win time. 

"Jungho, you never told me you had such serious plans for us. I thought you wanted me just as a disposable toy, that's why I have been running away from you. If only I knew how serious you were..." I soften my expression, suggesting him a tiny smile and he's instantly beaming a me.

"Of course I'm serious. You're my future, Jimin, I love you with my whole heart, don't you feel it?" He brings my palms on top of his chest and I indeed feel his black heart beating fast under the flesh. 

"Oh, Jungo. That's so sweet. I just don't understand why has Naera kidnapped me and why am I tied right now. If you love me, why do you hurt me? I'm still in pain because of these ropes. I'll have bruises for so long because of them!" I pout, pointing at my hands. 

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