Chapter 32

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Taehyung's POV

Guess who lost his V-card in America's biggest city?

I stare at the phone for a solid minute before blowing my best friend with calls. But that little bitch isn't answering me!

I believe he is still in New York but I can't wait until he gets here and I dwell on all the details. That sneaky little omega.

I smile to myself as I prepare breakfast for Yejun. It's Friday, her official favorite day of the week so it's my responsibility to provide her with the yummiest breakfast (as she calls it).

"Do you have any tests today?" I ask her as I place a toast with bacon and cheese in front of her. She digs into it instantly. I go back to the stove and put out freshly baked blueberry muffins. She loves those.

"Yes!" My sister replies to me mouthful. "That bitch math teacher thought it would be fun to make us write a test on Friday!"

"Yejun, watch your language. She's still your teacher. Even if she's a petty bitch."

The girl grins, shaking her head. It's a rule in our family that she isn't allowed to curse. I do that for her.

"Are you ready for that test?"

"Bruh, is that even question? I was born ready." She cocks her head arrogantly and I just shake my head at her sassiness. Seriously, who did she get it from?

Oh, wait... Right. That's from me. Definitely.

"Hey, by the way, you will never believe what happened yesterday." She slowly turns to me, putting aside her fork. Her green eyes sparkle from excitement and I can't help but shift all my attention to her.

"What? Tell me."

"Okay so," she brushes her brown hair behind her ear. "You remember I told you about that cute boy in my class, Hwan, who presented alpha last year?"

I quickly nod and she continues. "He totally changed. Now that he's alpha his features aren't so adorable and squishy anymore. He's more manly I guess. I don't know, anyway, one super annoying girl who is just obsessed with the fact that she is omega swoons over him like crazy. I literally get secondhand embarrassment when she tries to get his attention."

"If only you knew how many times I've met those omegas without an ounce of self-respect. It's painful to watch them." I make gagging noises to what my sister awards me with a knowing smile. 

"Oh my Gosh, literally! And yesterday she came after me because I was on the same team as Hwan during one assignment in English class. She cornered me after school and demanded to stay away from her alpha!"

"Wait, what?" Worry rises inside me. If that little bitch hurt my sister, nothing will save her from my wrath. "Did she do something to you?"

"Of course not. She didn't try, but if she did I would have totally kicked her ass. I know how to fight, not to mention that I'm a freaking beta and stronger than her."

"Okay, then what happened?"

"That's the fun part. Hwan overheard her crazy talk and he contorted her! He told her to let me go and never bother because of her delulu mind. He then grabbed me and escorted me to the bus station and apologized to me on her behalf for some reason. He waited until I got on the bus and we talked some more. I found out he isn't such a dick as I originally thought."

She finishes with a shoulder shrug and suddenly I'm more invested in my little sister's school life.

"Why did you even think in the first place he was an asshole?"

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