Chapter 7

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Yoongi's POV

Mins and Jungs came together. I see my mother and father stand awkwardly next to Hoseok's dada and dad as I open the door. Our families never got along well. We were on neutral waters, not interacting much, but after Hobi and I started dating it was bound to change.

"Good morning mama, papa." I kiss the cheek of my mother and shake my dad's hand. Then I proceed to welcome my future in-laws as well. Hoseok's dada warmly smiles at me. I think he's the only one who isn't against our relationship but he cannot show it due to his mate not accepting us. "Please, come in. We have been waiting for you."

"Who is that omega that you two started-" My dad begins with his deep unsatisfied voice, but I'm not having his shit this early in the morning.

"Let's wait until you at least meet him, okay?" I force politeness in my tone. I know what pressure Jimin will have to go through from the second these four see him. His every movement and word will be judged by these sharks. I wasn't joking when I said I'll protect him if necessary. Even if Jimin thinks he won't need it.

When we enter the dining room, Jimin and Hoseok quietly discuss something but abruptly stop when see us approach. Hoseok plasters on his face one of those fake smiles my mate has mastered for annoying associates and partners.

"Good morning! Dada, you look marvelous." He hugs his omega parent who softly smiles at his son and then pats his father's back in greeting. "Nice to see you, old man."

"That must be him." I hear my mother's icy voice fill the room as she sends daggers in Jimin's direction. My instincts instantly kick in, making me wish to hide Jimin behind my frame and farther away from here where he will be safe.

"Mother." I spat the word, making her eye snap at me. "Please, meet Park Jimin. Our omega."

Our alpha fathers observe Jimin without a word. Just yet.

"Aren't you hungry?" Hoseok chimes in, trying to defuse the situation. He leads our parents to their seats, farther away from Jimin. We make the omega sit between us facing the elders.

To say the situation is awkward, would be underestimating. I know soon enough they'll address the elephant in the room but before that, I hope at least to eat something because I argue much better on a full stomach.

"How did this happen?" Hoseok's father asks pointing at three of us and making my hopes disappear in thin air. I'm certainly not eating in the foreseeable future.

"Jimin is one of our employees. We met him in my company." I tell them, following a well-prepared script. "There was an instant attraction between us and sooner than we knew, Hoseok and I started courting him. One thing lead to another and well... we started dating. Everything is serious between us."

I look at Jimin, who is already staring at me with big affectionate eyes. For a moment, my heart makes flip until I remind myself this is just part of an act. Yet, my alpha doesn't want to hear it.

"When these two started courting me, I was so confused because knew that they were in a relationship, but then they admitted that both were attracted to me and asked to give them a chance. I couldn't say no. Not when my omega was head over heels for them." Jimin softly smiles at our parents. His voice is so gentle and just beautiful. This omega's charms are on another level.

"How can two alphas share one omega? This is nonsense." Hoseok's father says sternly, glaring at Jimin for some reason. My alpha bares teeth at him, ready to pounce at the man if he dares to threaten our omega.

"With all due respect, Mr. Jung, you are wrong." Jimin says calmly before I or Hoseok have a chance to shut up the old fucker. "It is not uncommon nowadays for wolves to have more than one mate. As you know our ancestors believed in fated mates, people who were destined to meet each other, but over time this legend became just a fairytale. However, there is proof that centuries ago wolves weren't choosing mates on their own, fate was doing it for them. Having more than one mate was common. Nowadays, we have come up with lots of unnecessary stereotypes in order to shape the world and society in an 'acceptable' way. We don't listen to our heart's desire anymore when choosing mate. Instead, we label relationships wrong or right, forgetting that when it comes to love, none of that matters."

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