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hey min

hey baby

what's up

nothing much

are you sure


why not


yuna don't do this talk to
me tell me what's happening

idk what's happening

what do you mean

i don't feel good


like sick?

is it your stomach or head?


so what's wrong

why don't you feel good

i don't feel okay today

why not

idk i woke up feeling really

why're you sad

was it something i did


idk i just don't wanna do
it anymore

do what

is it the twins


i don't wanna do this

do you wanna break up?

no of course not


what exactly is that you
don't wanna do then

don't wanna keep going

just wanna give up

on what

on everything min

idk i feel hopeless and
useless and stuck like
my life isn't going anywhere

what do you mean

you've got me you've had
two babies your business
is doing great your grades
are amazing

how is your life not going

i don't know

i just feel like it's all wrong

like everything is going

not school or my job

but like you and i and the
twins none of this was
supposed to happen

and i feel like i've fucked up
in life like this is the peak
it'll all just go down from here

of course not

i mean you and the twins
were not a part of my plan
for the future a year and a
half ago but things don't
always go to plan
especially when that plan
is your entire life

her. | song mingiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن