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stop apologising

but this happens every

i know it does and that's

but it's not

i should be there for you
when you need me


calm down

it's just a doctor's

yes but you're finding
out whether or not you're
pregnant this is important
regardless of whether or
not you are

mingi stop

you can't keep beating
yourself up about these

yes but i should be there

and it's okay that you
can't be

i knew before we were
even dating that if we got
together that would mean
you may not be able to
come to all of the important
things and that is one
hundred percent okay

there or not i know that
you're supporting me i
know that you love me
and i know that no
matter what the result is
you're still going to love

you don't have to be there
in person to support me
because i know you're just
one text away if i need you

that's not to say i don't want
you there but sometimes
things happen and that's okay

are you sure you're okay
with this

yes mingi

i'm absolutely sure



make sure that you text
me when you get there
when you go in when
you're waiting and when
you get the result

no matter what

of course



ive gotta get the twins
ready to go and you should
really get to recording okay

i'll be fine i promise

i know

i love you yuna

i love you too princess

now go i'll text you when
i get there

okay bye



make sure you text me too


uh because i'm like the
fifth most important
person in your life and
your best friend is
deserve to know

heejin eonni is my best
friend but okay

excuse me

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