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yuna wakes, shivering in the cool morning air and groaning as her eyes fight against the sliver of sunlight peeking through the curtains.

"are you awake?" she looks up to find mingi looking down at her tiredly, a small smile resting on his lips, "good morning, gorgeous."

"morning, mingi." yuna yawns, grinning like an idiot when he leans down to press his lips against hers, his hand squeezing her waist gently.

"happy birthday." he mumbles.

she frowns at him and he returns the expression, "what? what did i do?"

"it's not my birthday." she rolls over and reaches out to find her phone, quickly checking the date on the screen, "holy shit. it's my birthday?"

she rolls back over to face him, her eyes wide with shock and he laughs at her expression.

"yes, baby. it's your birthday. what, did you not believe me?"

she shrugs slightly before she cuddles back into his chest, sighing as she presses her cheek against his warm skin, "honestly, no. i figured you were just making it up so that you would get a present next week."

"wow!" he scoffs, his jaw dropped in shock as he fights off a smile, "i cannot believe you think so little of me!"

"what?" yuna shrugs. "i'd honestly be impressed and offended that i didn't think of it sooner."

he laughs quietly at her which brings a smile to her lips. still laughing a little, he leans down to press their lips together once more before a quiet babbling sounds through the baby monitor on mingi's bedside table.

yuna furrows her brows, confused as to how the monitor ended up on his bedside table, "i thought it was on my side last night?" she asks, looking up at mingi.

"i moved it," he states as though it was obvious. "it's your birthday today, i didn't want your day to start with the twins waking you up too early."

"oh, my princess." she coos teasingly, squeezing his cheeks together in her palms, "so thoughtful, aren't you?"

"well, excuse me for wanting to make your birthday as relaxing as possible."

"does that mean i don't have to see wooyoung today?" her eyes sparkle with hope and he stares at her in shock. "he sent me a picture the other day asking if he should post it and i said it wasn't the best. he hasn't spoken to me since."

"ouch." mingi replies nonchalantly. yuna rolls her eyes as he rolls out of bed to check on the twins and she turns over to check her phone.



Happy birthday, Angel! <3

happy 21st old hag

throw a party or i'm literally
going to sue you

stfu i have children



nah but fr what kind of loser
has twins at 21

excuse me?

okay, what is actually
going on? why're you mad
at her for having kids?

i'm not mad i'm just saying
she's a loser lol

it's not like it was a decision
i made

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