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mingi wakes to the sound of voices beside him, struggling to open his eyes against the light in front of him.

"yuna?" he mumbles, shielding his eyes from the bright screen of her laptop, "baby, what're you doing? why aren't you asleep?"

"can't." she replies curtly, dimming her laptop screen, "why're you awake?"

"'cause your laptop is burning my eyes and you've got the volume all the way up." he groans, shuffling closer to her and wrapping his arm around her waist. carefully, she lifts his arm from her waist and lay it over her hip instead, wriggling back into his warm body.

"sorry." she whispers, turning down the volume and lowering the brightness even more, "i'm sorry."

"it's okay," he mumbles against her hair, taking a deep breath and letting the scent of her shampoo flood his senses. "what're you watching?"

"sweet home, season two." she answers, pausing the show.

"is it good?" he yawns.

"it is good. now go back to sleep, you have an early morning tomorrow." she rolls over to face him with a smile and he lazily smiles back at her.

"not until you go to sleep." mingi groans, moving closer to her and squeezing her hip gently.

"i can't sleep now!" she exclaims, rolling over and dramatically throwing her hand around, "i only have three episodes left and it's just getting good!"

"yuna, don't be stupid. the episodes are an hour long, it's already," he pauses, rolling over to check his phone, "jesus christ, it's one in the morning, if you try to finish it now you'll finish at four. you won't sleep at all."

"then i guess i'm not going to sleep tonight because these new soldiers are too attractive," she giggles, rolling back to face her laptop, "if i was struggling before there's no way i'm falling asleep now."

"yuna, you need to sleep." mingi groans, reaching over her to shut the laptop to which she whines.

"i can't."

"why not?"

"how would i know?" she mumbles, turning to him with a pout before turning away again.

"stop acting like a baby." mingi chuckles, "talk to me, tell me what's wrong."

"nothing." she sighs, rolling onto her stomach, "just go to sleep."

"are you going to go to sleep?" he questions, trying his best not to sound like he was talking to a child.

"i'll try," she sighs, wriggling a little closer to his warmth, "night, mingi."

"goodnight, beautiful."


"baby? where are you?" mingi calls out quietly.

he'd gotten up about twenty minutes prior to feed the twins and was about to go back to bed before he realised she wasn't asleep like he'd expected her to be. he turned his bedside lamp on, hoping to find her somewhere in the room changing or taking her pants off but, the room was void of her presence.

"yuna!" he calls out again, voice laced with concern for the girl. "baby, where are you?"

he decides to search outside the room, walking down the hallway into the kitchen first, quickly flicking the lights on in the living room as well, before he heads back towards their bedroom. he was beginning to consider calling the police, or even yunho, before a quiet noise comes from behind the bathroom door. he hadn't thought to check it because the light wasn't shining under the door and, knowing yuna, he knew there was no way she'd use the bathroom without the light on or, at least, the door open.

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