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"oh, fuck me." yuna groans as she rolls over in bed to check the time. it was just past two in the morning, her head was spinning and the room was much too hot for her liking.

she decides to head to the bathroom, glancing over her shoulder when mingi shifts before quietly making her way out of the room, bumping into furniture and walls on her way. a sudden wave of dizziness almost had her falling over but she catches herself on the wall, waiting a moment before continuing to slowly make her way down the hallway to the bathroom.

tears prick her eyes as she slows her breathing, hoping deep breaths will help the dizziness and nausea. she groans quietly as her vision blurs slightly, shaking her head in an attempt to clear it. "oh my god."

biting down on her lip she tries to keep going, determined to make it to the bathroom without waking anyone. she soon learns that her hopes are just that as she falls to the floor with a loud thud, lifting her hands in front of her to check their stability. they were shaking like crazy and she takes another deep breath, pushing her hair back out of her eyes.

"mingi!" she calls weakly, her throat thick and sore from holding back her tears. she waits a moment, her breaths as deep and even as she can manage, before she hears his quiet footsteps behind her.

"hey, hey, hey. what happened?" he asks in a hushed tone, dropping to his knees beside her, a hand on her back while the other rests on her arm, "baby, talk to me. tell me what happened."

"god, mingi." she huffs, her breathing now shallow and shaky.

"was it a nightmare? i've told you a hundred times, they're not-"

she didn't want to but, she couldn't help but interrupt, "they're not real, i know but this-" she pauses to catch her breath and licks her dry lips before continuing, "holy fuck, this is real!"

"okay, okay. what is it, baby? where does it hurt?" he gently brushes some hair out of her face as she pants heavily.

"no, no. no pain." her words are almost slurred, not one hint of power or energy in her tone, and he frowns at her.

"okay. so, what's going on?"

"dizzy. so, so dizzy. and sick. gonna-" she pauses again to catch her breath and mingi frowns, "gonna spew."

"okay, let's get you to the bathroom. c'mon." he gently helps her to her feet, bending down and making it easier for himself to hold her arm over his shoulders.

he begins to walk slowly towards the bathroom but she suddenly goes limp beside him, her head hanging as though she were asleep. "oh my god, yuna!"

mingi is trying his best not to panic as he rushes her to the lounge but watching the girl pass out scared him and he couldn't help the tears the threatened to fall. "yuna? baby, can you hear me? you gotta wake up, yuna. come on."

he gently hits her cheek, shakes her shoulders, pulls her eyes open but nothing happened. she simply lies on the lounge, totally knocked out as mingi goes over who needed to be called and what needed to be done.

he rushes back to the bedroom and grabs his phone, quickly dialling the emergency number and providing the information they needed before he called heejin, waiting anxiously for her to pick up.

"you're lucky jihoon was screaming or else i'd be fast asleep." mingi's face goes white and his stomach drops at the sound of the voice, "what do you want?"

"yunho? why're you answering? i called heejin."

"i'm staying the night at her place, we literally had a conversation about it earlier." yunho sounded annoyed."what's wrong? why're you calling her? not to mention at two-thirty in the morning."

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