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my love

can you do me a favour

of course i can

in a minute tho im just
putting the twins down
for a nap


what'd you need me to do

can you come to the kitchen

of course beautiful i'll be
there in a sec


yuna listens closely to mingi's footsteps thudding upstairs as she stirs some meat and veggies in a pan. a small smile graces her lips when his feet pad down the staircase, down the hallway and into the living room.

"what's wrong, baby? what do you need?" he sighs as he crosses the living room.

"can you come here?" she motions him over and he makes his way over, stopping beside her and wrapping his arm around her waist.

"yes?" he chuckles as she rolls her eyes, pouting a little, "did you mess up?"

"mess up?" she turns to him in shock and he furrows his brows, "me? no, you messed up!"

he laughs as she smacks his shoulder, furrowing her brows before turning back to her cooking.

he hums quietly, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to her cheek before resting his chin on her shoulder. "what'd i do wrong, baby?" he mumbles.

"oh, so now you wanna do it right?" yuna rolls her eyes again and mingi frowns.

"do what right?"

"when you came over here, you were supposed to do that!" she whines.

he chuckles, "do what?"

"this! you were supposed to come over, wrap your arms around me and kiss my cheek!"

mingi let's out a laugh, squeezing her waist gently, "is that so?"

"yes, it is." she grumbles and he grins at her, lifting one hand to turn her face towards his own.

"well, i'm very very sorry that i didn't do it right the first time."

with yet another roll of her eyes and a huff, she mumbles, "it's fine."

with that, he presses his lips against her own. as he gently squeezes her hip, she drops her spoon, turning to face him properly and pulling him closer to herself.

after a moment, mingi pulls away, "we can't, you're cooking."

yuna bites her lip as she turns around, turns off the stove and turns back to face the rapper. "not anymore."

he smiles leaning down to press their lips together once more before slowly pulling away. "the twins."

"oh, we already know they won't wake up." yuna protests, her hands moving to hold his waist, "you seem very against it. if you don't want to, just say you don't want to."

"i'm not against it, i'm just-..."

she finishes his sentence for him, sensing that he didn't want to do it himself, "not feeling it?"

mingi quietly shakes his head and she smiles, "okay. in that case," she wraps her arms around his waist and rests her chin on his chest as she stares up at him, "let's cuddle on the couch and watch a movie."

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