Chapter Nine: Safe

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"Daddy, what time is it?"

"Well princess it is 6:15 and grandma is making your dinner. She is making baked mac and cheese, chicken sandwiches, and green beans."

"Mmmm, that sounds really good and it already smells amazing. Daddy, can I watch a movie while grandma cooks?"

"You can ask Emmett he is playing video games with Edward. I am sure they would switch it for you." I walked towards the living room. 

"Uncles, may I watch something on tv?"

"Our princess is being very proper this evening. Of course you can watch something, what kind of movie were you thinking?"

"Emmett, I was wondering if I could watch The Backyardigans?" 

"No problem." He switched the tv from the video games to the streaming channels. He put the show on and I sat next to him on the couch. He laid a blanket over me as I curled into his side. We got through two episodes and then grandma called me to let me know it was time for dinner. Daddy always sits with me during my meals to make sure I don't need anything. I think he gets scared I might choke or something. He always looks at me like he is afraid I will shatter at any moment. 

After dinner daddy let me eat an ice cream sandwich, he led me to the living room where they had set up a big blanket fort. In the middle was a pallet that had my favorite stuffies, paci, and Sippy cup it was filled with blue Kool-Aid. I climbed in and covered my body. There was an opening so I could see the projector on the wall. Daddy slid in next to me and pulled me into him. We watched all of the Ice Age movies. My eyes started to get heavy during one of them I can't even remember. I could feel daddy nuzzle my neck with his nose. And I feel asleep peacefully knowing that everyone in this room loves me for who I am and would never let anything or anyone hurt me. I felt safe.  

"Princess, its time to wake up. You are going to the res today and you need to get dressed and eat breakfast." I shot up after he said I was going to the res today. Its time for everyone to hunt so that's why I get to go to the res. This also means I get to eat Emily's cooking and no one will stop me. 

Daddy took me to the bathroom and turned the shower on. He helped me wash up and asked Alice to do my hair. He had to pack my bag and make sure I had everything I needed and some emergency things if I got hurt. I tell him all the time he doesn't have to pack so much stuff. Emily has more than enough first aid supplies. 

Alice had done my hair in two buns, not like princess Laia hers look silly. Daddy had already picked out my out fit so Alice helped me get dressed. I was wearing a baby pink track suit and some pink and white Vans. I walked downstairs and rushed to the table. Grandma made me an omelet and blueberry mini muffins. Emily's muffins would eat like two of these ones. I sat down and grandma gave me a sippy cup full of apple juice. "Thank you grandma. Its really yummy." 

"No problem sweetheart, have fun with the boys and stay safe."

"Always. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart." I picked up one of the muffins and as I was trying to pull the paper off I dropped the muffin. My eyes were watering because I was mad at myself. "Would you like some help sweetheart?" I nodded my head and daddy picked up the other muffin and peeled the paper off. He started feeding me small pieces. "Tank you daddy. I'm all done." 

When daddy started feeding me I went deeper into little space. I knew he noticed when he asked how old I was. I put up three fingers instead of my usual 4 or 5. Daddy popped a paci in my mouth as he walked out of the house with me on his hip and my bag on his other shoulder. 

He didn't speed to get to the border but walked through the forest so I could look around. Once we reached the border. Paul was already waiting. I saw Paul and tried to jump from daddy's arms but he set me down on my feet so I didn't fall. He handed me my bag which was a little heavy and kissed me on my forehead as he told me he loved me and would see me later. "Paul, be careful with her and watch her closely. She is younger than usual and she can be quite the trouble maker." Paul nodded his head in understanding. I ignored the grown ups talking and  I crossed the bridge and Paul grabbed my bag and held my hand.

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