Chapter Twelve: Healing

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Today is Friday and I start school on Monday. I am spending the weekend at Sam and Emily's house. I am very excited. I get to go to a bonfire tomorrow and uncle Billy will be telling the legends. I love the legends I have heard them since I was little and I could listen to them everyday.

"Daddy, I'm going for three days, not three months. That's a lot of stuff. Don't forget I have stuff at Emily's. And its not like I'm going far. If I need something I can have someone call you to bring it. I'll be fine daddy, I always am."

"Princess when did you become so mature?"

"I am not becoming mature, I just don't need you to have a heart attack."

"Sweetie, you know my heart has already stopped."

"I know but you're gonna activate it again just to have a heart attack."

"Is that possible? Maybe I should ask your grandpa and hear his opinion on the matter." I started giggling, "I wasn't being serious, well part of me was."

"It's time to go princess. Paul is coming to pick you up. He's probably waiting for us."

"Don't look sad I won't be far and I'll be safe. If something happens I will have Emily call you. You need to hunt the big bad scary animals so they can't hurt me.

"Okay princess lets go. I held daddy's hand and we walked through the trees. When we reached the opening with the river I saw Paul. I let go of daddy's hand and tried to get on my tippy toes to give him a goodbye kiss. He noticed my struggle and bent down to meet me.

"I love you daddy! See you on Sunday." Daddy handed me the humongous bag he packed and I had to drag it across the bridge. By time I got to Paul daddy was already gone.

"Would you like me to carry that for you?"

"Yes please, that would be very helpful." I grabbed the hand that wasn't carrying the bag.

"I didn't eat breakfast this morning, is there still food left?"

"Of course Emily saved you a plate. We won't let you starve Lena."

"I know it was a stupid question."

"What's wrong? You don't sound like you."

"What if people don't like me at school? What if it's worse than Forks?"

"Elena, we will all be there. Nothing is going to happen to you here. You will be protected by us and you already know how defensive we are when it comes to you. No one is going to mess with you and if they do then they'll have to deal with all of us. You have nothing to worry about. Okay? Come on Emily's been waiting for you all morning."

I turned around and gave Paul a big hug before walking towards the cottage. The door was open as usual and I walked in. I went straight for the kitchen and snuck up behind Emily. I tapped her shoulder and when she turned around I gave her a big hug.

"Well hello to you too."

"I missed you."

"Let me heat up your plate for you." I walked to the table and sat between Seth and Jake.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Lena, how are you doing today?"

"Well Seth my day is going good so far, and I am really excited for the bonfire tonight."

"You always are."

"Of course I am Jakey, it's uncle Billy we're talking about. He is the best story teller I know."

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