Chapter Nineteen: Ancestors

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"Elena, you're faster than us. That's so cool!" I was surprised that Paul wasn't angry about losing. He's usually the most competitive.

"Well, you're not the one who got shoved into a tree. I don't think that was a fair race I mean she cheated."

"You want a rematch?" I had a cheeky grin on my face as I bounced on my heels.

"Maybe later, I think we should clean up those cuts on her legs."

"Carlisle I'm fine I can't even feel them. I mean I can just rinse them with the hose and call it good."

"That is not sanitary."

"I will be fine it's not like the water is dirty I mean as a kid I drank from it all of the time and I'm fine today."

"I wouldn't say fine I mean you have the abilities of a supernatural being but you aren't one."

"The hose water didn't do that." I began walking over to the hose on the side of the house. I turned on the faucet and rinsed my legs. But there were no longer any wounds. I was starting to get nervous. This is super weird. Now I have accelerated healing too.

"Wait where are the cuts and scrapes?"

"That's a good question Emmett." I felt myself slipping away from everyone else.

"Elena, it is good to see you again. I see you have discovered your abilities."

"Nona, did you have something to do with this?"

"Not me specifically. I reached out to some of my ancestors here and explained what Ahiga is doing. They decided to gift you with these abilities to help assist you. Ahiga is very strong and we are not truly sure what he is capable of. I am sorry that I can't offer you more information."

"Trust me what you and your ancestors have gifted me with is more than enough. I am sure that now I will have a much better chance against Ahiga."

"We hope so. We do want you to succeed. You are supposed to be the bridge that I could not be. You have already started between your two families. You belong to both in spirit despite not being blood related to any of them. Your bonds are truly strong and I fear what will happen if my brother succeeds. I have never seen a cold one coven so comfortable around a wolf pack and vice versa. I am so proud of what you have been able to accomplish. I hope that you understand the good you are doing by uniting your families. I must let you go now they are becoming worried. You can tell all of them what I have revealed to you. Make sure you tell your Uncle Billy that his prayers were answered." She smiled at me before I started to fade back to reality. 

"Elena are you okay?"

"I'm good Jazzy. No need to worry. I am actually great but I need you to call Sam and tell him to get here.

"Okay, I'll call him."

"Thanks Paul. Now lets get inside while we wait for him to get here. I have some very important information to share with all of you but I'm hungry so I'm going to make some lunch."

"Wait I'm hungry too!" Embry called out as I walked back in the house.

"I know that you are not in littlespace right now but can I trust you in the kitchen?"

"I promise that I will not burn down the house Esme. I do know how to cook."

"Just making sure. Do you know what you want to cook?"

"I am going to make chicken alfredo and garlic bread."

"Do you want any help? I know you have to make enough for all of the boys and they eat a lot."

"That would be very nice. I know it must be strange for all of you to see me not in my littlespace. Trust me it is strange for me too but I think for now I must be big. There is a lot we need to figure out and little me can't process those things."

"I must admit it is strange but I am also glad that you decided to come out of your headspace because now we know of these abilities and can work on harnessing them. But I want you to know that if you ever want or need to go back to being little you are welcome to. We will never force you to be one way or the other. We love you regardless of your headspace." She had a kind motherly smile on her face. I turned to face her and wrapped her in a hug. "Thank you Esme, that means a lot to me. I love you guys too." 

We finished cooking and it looked good. "Ok boys lunch is ready."

I heard the sound of all of the boys running to the dining room. I served everyone their plates and sat down with them. "So is it good news or bad news?" 

"Seth, eat your lunch." 

"I'm serious I need to prepare myself. I can't handle anymore bad news. So just tell me now."

"I promise you will be fine now finish your lunch Sam is almost here." As I finished my much smaller portion I set my plate in the dishwasher. I went to the living room to see the rest of my family anxiously waiting. I cuddled into Jasper's side as I sat on the couch. "I love you."

"I love you too more than anything in the world and I don't know what I would do without you so you can't leave me okay?"

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere. I plan to stick around. Don't worry about me."

"Baby, that's all I do. That's all any of us do. We sit around here worried at any second you are going to disappear from us and not come back. I feel everyone's fear all of the time. There is no way I could live without you and the thought of you leaving me terrifies me because I fear who I would become. Elena I don't think you understand the impact you have had on all of us. You came into our lives and stole our hearts. You were someone we didn't know we needed and I'm talking about all of us not just me." 

I looked around the room and saw everyone looking at me. I never understood the fear that they felt. And I don't think I ever will. I never thought I would be this important to so many people and now I know I must fight as hard as I can.

"Why does everyone look so sad?" Sam walked into the living room and sat an empty chair. 

"Okay now that you are here I need to tell you guys what I found out. So earlier I saw Winona again and she told me that the ancestors are the ones who gifted me with these abilities to help me fight Ahiga. She also told me that she wants me to tell Uncle Billy that his prayers were answered. I was given these abilities so that I can continue to bridge cold ones and the wolves so I can bring peace. I need you guys to know that I plan to fight for myself and for all of you. I love each and every person in this room and you all mean the world to me and I don't plan on leaving any of you anytime soon. And it seems that the ancestors are on my side."

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