Chapter Fourteen: Bonfires

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"Princess, it's time to wake up. You've been sleeping all day."

"Jakey, why didn't you wake me up sooner? I wasted the whole day away." I was pouting as I sat up. I was supposed to be here to spend time with my family and I was sleeping all day.

"I knew you needed sleep after what you did. Your body needed to reset. Noone is upset with you, we all understood that you needed to rest. Since you slept most of the day you will probably be up all night anyway. Come on, everyone is waiting." I stretched and got out of bed. I changed into some cozy clothes and went outside. Jake was waiting on the porch. He picked me up and rested me on his hip. He walked over towards the bonfire and everyone was out there talking, eating, or both.

"Jake, I'm hungry."

"I figured, I'll make you a plate okay?"

"Otay." He walked over to the food table and grabbed a hamburger.

"Don't forget two slices of cheese and pickles and mayo and ketchup."

"I know Elle, I've been making your plate for a while. One hamburger with a bun, two slices of American Cheese, lots of pickles, mayo and ketchup. One hot dog with no bun mayo and ketchup mix on the side. Emily's potato salad and a plate full of fruit." He had a proud smile on his face as he rattled off my usual.

"Well today I am very hungry so I will take two hot dogs. Thank you very much."

"Okay princess." He finished making my plate and we sat down on one of the logs around the fire. Paul sat on my other side.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel very hungry." Jake handed me my plate and I began eating.

"What you did earlier was really cool. How'd you do that?"

"Honestly I don't really know. I had a dream last night and it happened so I just did what I did in the dream. But it felt like I was being drained of all my energy but it's okay because I saved the deer and her babies."

"It was magical. I've never even heard about something like that. You know you are very special Elena." Seth had a big grin on his face.

"I'm not special, you guys are the ones who turn into giant fluffy wolves."

"Ellie, you do realize that you healed a dying deer. That is very special. I don't know anyone who can heal anything. That's a lot cooler than turning into a giant fluffy wolf."

"I guess."

As I was eating my food I noticed everyone sitting down. Uncle Billy was about to start the legends. I felt myself slipping away from everyone as he spoke. But I wasn't scared.

I was seeing the legends as he spoke of them. It was like watching a movie. It was beautiful. I was shocked when he started telling one that I had never heard before. And judging by everyone else's expressions they had never heard it either. He was speaking of a woman who was meant to be the bridge between the cold ones and the wolves. She could do things like me. She was very pretty. I then realized that he was telling this one because of what happened earlier. I started thinking about my birthday and them all being together.

Uncle Billy cannot think that I am supposed to be the modern day Winona. I am not even Native American. It does kind of make sense though the more I think about it. I can heal like her and she had special dreams too. Maybe this is what I am supposed to do. I started to fade back to everyone and luckily no one noticed that I went away. I looked over at Uncle Billy and he was looking back at me. He motioned for me to come over to him and the other elders. I threw my trash away and walked over. "How are you feeling sweetie?"

"I feel much better now that I have eaten. It was like all of my energy was being sucked out of me, but I knew I had to keep going to save the mom and her babies. I don't know why the boys tried to stop me. It wasn't scary."

"I think they were just trying to protect you from having to see that." I leaned in closer to him and whispered, "I met the Volturi, they're these really old and scary vampires that rule over all of the vampires. I was brave then. It takes a lot to scare me."

He chuckled at my statement. "I know that you are very brave but the boys just wanted to look out for you."

"I know. Did you talk to grandpa about what happened?"

"Yes, I also told him about Winona."

"I knew it! You think I'm supposed to be her. I'm not that special Uncle Billy." I looked around and began kicking the dirt with my shoe.

"Look at me sweetheart. We have never had an outsider be considered family like you. We have never disclosed our legends to someone who is not a part of the council or a shifter themselves. We have never allowed an outsider to attend school on the res. Elena, you know more about us then some of the natives here on the res. You are very special. I think Billy is right, we all do. Billy told that legend tonight so everyone could hear it. It makes sense. You were always meant to be here. That's why when you were born Renee left you here. It was the work of the ancestors. You have a purpose and a great one at that. I do not want you for a second to doubt who you are and what you are meant to do."

"Thank you Uncle Harry. I never thought about it like that."

"I know princess but we did. The Cullens are going to come over tomorrow and we are going to talk. You can come if you want but you will probably be bored. You are still staying until Monday so don't worry about that."

"I think I'll stay with the boys. And let the grown ups talk."

"That's fine. I know Emily was getting snacks together for a movie night. Do you want to see if she needs help?"

"Yeah I'll go over. I love you guys." I gave everyone a hug and kiss and walked over to Emily.

"Hey, girlie. I heard about what you did. That's pretty cool. The boys are setting the projector up outside and we were going to build a big fort out here. Want to help me set up the snacks?"


"Good. I need a helper." I helped Emily put the snacks in different bowls and refill the different drink coolers. The boys set up the giant fort and the projector. They had already picked out a few movies. Emily helped me make my snack bowl and I curled up next to her in the fort. Everyone kind of just piled on and we started watching movies. All of the elders went back to their homes and went to bed.

I felt myself slipping away from everyone and this time Emily noticed I could hear her calling my name but I couldn't go back.

"Hello, Elena."

"Wh– Who are you? Why can't I go back?"

"No need to be frightened little one, I am Winona. You have been chosen to do what I could not. Don't worry I won't keep you long I just wanted to say hello."

"So Uncle Billy and Harry were right. Why me? Why now, after all of these years?"

"I will answer all of your questions later but I must let you go, your family is getting worried." And just like that she was gone and I was surrounded by the pack panic on all of their faces.

"I'm okay. The craziest thing just happened. I met Winona, she spoke to me. She told me that I am supposed to do what she could not."

Everyone looked shocked then I felt myself getting weak. I began panicking until I couldn't feel anything anymore. I could hear everyone freaking out. I could hear Emily yelling for someone to get Billy and then I heard Paul yelling at someone to call grandpa and then everything went quiet and it was just me in the forest. 

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