Chapter Twenty-two: Baby girl

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Jasper was lying in bed with his mate watching her sleep. He had just gotten off the phone with Jacob. He explained that he had to use his alpha voice to calm her down after Paul riled her up. He also said the wolf thing must really be kicking in if she got that angry that fast. He warned me that we should try to be careful because we don't want her to get mad and not be able to control herself. Jacob thinks she is going to be a hothead like Paul but only while in her big headspace. Little space Ellie can't really hurt anyone even if she were to shift due to anger.

She finally started to stir awake. "Good morning sleeping beauty. Are you feeling better?"

"I feel a lot better daddy. I'm also really hungry can we get something to eat?"

"Of course princess lets go downstairs." Daddy picked me up and placed me on his hip making sure to grab my paci that I had left on the bed. I rested my head in the crook of his neck as he brought us to the kitchen.

"If I set you on the counter can you promise to be a good girl and stay there?"

"I pwomise daddy. I pinkie pwomise." I held my pinkie out waiting for him to interlock it with his. Once he did he sat me down on the counter and started getting things out to make mac and cheese. I got super excited because it's one of my favorite foods.

"Ellie! I feel like I haven't seen you in years."

"Auntie Ali, I was only gone for a little bit. Then I took a nap. It wasn't that long." I giggled as she booped my nose.

"I think we should throw a party!"

"A party for what?"

"Well you see, my favorite princess is finally safe from the bad guys." She directed her attention towards daddy now. "Isabella, is moving back with her mother. Charlie doesn't want her in his home. He says he misses spending time with his daughter and it feels like he has a stranger living in his home. He told Renee that she needs to move back with her."

"Really?" I was super excited because if Isabella moves back with her mom then I don't have to worry about her messing with my family. And now that Jake stopped Ahiga we don't have anything to worry about.

"In that case we should throw a party to celebrate our princess finally being safe!"

"I already started making invitations. I figured we could invite some friends to introduce them to Elena since she is your mate."

I noticed everyone migrating into the kitchen now.

"Who are you planning to invite?" Grandpa spoke up first.

"I was thinking the wolves, the Denalis, Jasper's friends Peter and Charlotte since its been a while since they've seen each other and his best friends should meet his mate. And then Amun and his coven."

"I think that sounds lovely dear. We haven't seen all of them in a while and I am sure that they will love meeting Ellie."

"Grandma, that sounds like a lot of new people. What if they don't like me?" I started pouting feeling anxious. What if they think I'm weird? I don't want daddy's friends to not like me.

"Nonsense, stop thinking like that. Elena they will all love you. You had us all wrapped around your little finger before we even spoke to you. And even if they don't like you we all love you and that should be enough. Now eat your lunch. Your daddy just finished."

"Tanks Uncle Eddie I guess you're right."

"I'm always right." He smirked at me.

"No you're not! Remember when you thought you were going to eat Isabella. I told you that you wouldn't and you didn't. I was right and you were wrong." Everyone began chuckling.

"I suppose you are right." He had a big grin on his face. Daddy picked me up from my spot on the counter and brought me to the table. Instead of sitting me in a chair he sat me down on his lap and began feeding me. I felt myself slipping deeper into little space. I didn't try to fight it though. It's been a while since I was this little. Once we finished eating daddy put me on the ground so he could go wash the dishes. I started crawling towards the living room wanting to play with my blocks.

I then remembered that I left my paci in the kitchen and wanted it. I couldn't find the words to express that so I sat there and began crying. I didn't know what else to do.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" It was grandma. I tried to answer but I couldn't find the words to say what I wanted. I just started crying harder. "Honey, how old are you right now?" I held up one finger.

"Okay, princess do you want a paci?" I nodded. "Alright let's get you one." I stopped crying and began smiling. "There's my favorite smile. No more tears little one." She placed me on her hip and took me to the kitchen where I had left my paci.

"Hey, I was wondering where you went."

"Jasper, she is only one right now. She had crawled to the living room to play with her blocks and began crying when she realized she didn't have a paci. How long has it been since she was this little?"

"Its been almost six months. Esme. I guess she has just been so focused on controlling her new wolf side that she hasn't really been regressing plus we had the whole Ahiga situation. I think this is her body's way of recharging itself and making sure that she is taken care of. She is non verbal right?"

"Yeah, when I tried to ask her what was wrong she just started crying. I think you may have to put her in a diaper just in case."

"Yeah, we have some in the nursery. I'm going to go change her real quick."

"Okay, we'll be down here." Daddy picked me up and took me upstairs. He laid me on the changing table and put me in a diaper. He was making goofy faces at me the whole time.

"You did so good princess. Daddy is so proud of you. Let's go downstairs and play with your blocks." I began clapping and giggling as he walked us back downstairs.

"So our baby girl is really a baby right now?"

"Yeah, Emmett make sure you are careful with her. Right now she has the mindset of a one-year-old. She is also non-verbal and has a diaper on. Can you watch her real quick, I have to call Jacob to let him know she won't be going over there today."

"Why don't you invite them over here. I am sure they want to see her even if she can't go running with them. Plus they haven't seen her this little in a while so it's good practice with you here in case it happens when she's over there."

"Did Emmet just have an intelligent well thought out idea?"

"Shut up Alice. I'm not as dumb as I look."

"Anyway. I emailed everyone the invitations for the party. I made the party this Saturday. Nothing too fancy. I figured we can have some food for Ellie and the wolves. Hang out and do a campfire outside."

"Okay, that sounds good. She should be out of this headspace by then."

"How old is she now?"

"She is one at the moment, completely non-verbal and in a diaper. I don't know how long she will be this young but I think her body is doing it as a way to recharge. Normally it only lasts a day or two if that. I'm going to go call the wolves real quick." Daddy got up and went towards the kitchen. I crawled over to Alice who was sitting on the coach and tugged on her pants. She looked down and picked me up. I cuddled into her and felt myself drift off to sleep.

"The wolves are going to come over and they're bringing Emily since she would be the most likely to actually care for Ellie this young. Is she asleep?"

"Yeah, she just feel asleep. I think your theory of this being a way to recharge is correct."

"Well it appears we are going to have to entertain the wolves then." Emmett had a big grin on his face. I'm sure he was hoping to be able to wrestle and race with them. I never thought there would be a day when my family would willingly invite the pack over but here we are. I have found my perfect little mate and she is safe. I don't deserve her she is too good for all of us. I hope my friends like her it would be a shame if they didn't. 

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