Chapter Eighteen: Elena

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I just want to start by saying thank you for reading my story. It is amazing for me to look and see how many people have actually read my writing. I never thought that this many people would read it let alone like it. I looked and from all of my chapters excluding the author's notes, this story is 18,848 words and has 1,455 engaged readers. That means a lot to me because I never thought I would be here. I am a little myself and it helps to be able to write about it because I can't really let my little side out. Anyway, enjoy this chapter. 

Conversation between little Ellie and big Ellie.

"I need you to let me out."

"I don't wanna. I don't wanna think about it."

"I know that's why you should let me out so I can think about it."

"But everyone is so happy right now. Why mess that up?"

"You know this has to happen. Just let me out or I can force my way out."

"Fine you big meanie no beating anyone up this time though."

"I make no promises."

Conversation over

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go change."


"Yeah Jazzy its me. I asked little Ellie to let me out. We need to talk. I know no one wants to but we have to. I'll be right back." I walked up to our room and got some leggings and one of Jazzy's sweaters. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on some fuzzy socks. I went to the kitchen and made a cup of tea.

"This is weird." Paul whispered to Seth.

"I know its so rare when it does happen it feels unnatural."

"You guys suck at whispering. Emmett you know I can come out whenever if I want. I just choose to stay back unless I'm needed."

"Wait you heard me?"

"Yeah, you suck at whispering."

"Elena you do realize only someone with enhanced hearing should've heard us right. I was talking very quiet."

"Are you sure because I heard you?"

"I'm positive."

"Wait let's test it then. I'll whisper something to the big guy that only us wolves or the vamps should be able to hear." Paul looked excited as he spoke. "Ready?"

I stood across the room waiting for him to speak. "Elena, is more mature than you and your ancient." I started laughing at his comment then my eyes widened as I realized that I heard him clear as day.

"That's weird. It was like you were talking normally."

"Sick! No more secrets for Elena."

"Wait did you just notice this?"

"Yeah, I did Carlisle why?"

"We've been doing this all day. What if these abilities only work when you are in control. Little Ellie cannot access these powers. I mean it would make sense you are the one who defends her so maybe your gifts are more advanced in this state."

"I wonder if I have other abilities then. If I have enhanced hearing what if I have enhanced strength or speed." Lets test it out."

"And how do you propose that we safely do that?"

"Jazzy I am in a house filled with vampires and werewolves. Lets race!"

All the boys began hollering. I smirked at him as I went for the door.

"El, you need shoes!"

"But Jazzy, I'm faster without them." Jasper went to object but I went out the door. "Who's racing?" Paul, Seth, Jared, and Emmett stepped forward. "Don't go easy on me. No hard feelings either."

Alice stepped forward probably already seeing the outcome of our race. "On your marks, get set GO!" We began running I looked in front of me and noticed everything blurring around me. My hair flew out of its bun and whipped around my face. Hell yeah! I began pushing my speed when I noticed Emmet next to me catching up. Wait I was in front of him? I shoved into him and he flew into a tree.

Super speed

Super strength

Enhanced hearing

I'm basically a vampire without the excruciating pain of a transformation. This is great. Now I'm not useless. I turned around and began running back towards the house. I don't know where the others are but once I stopped running I noticed that I had some scrapes and cuts on my feet and legs.

"Oh shit I'm sorry guys I hope its not too much blood."

"There's not a scent. I smell nothing."

"Wait what?"

"There's nothing at all."

"That's awesome. I knew it was good for me to come out today." I stood grinning at everyone. 

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