chapter 8

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It's Friday whooo. The fun can finally begin. YouTube videos will be filmed on Thursdays cause it's media day then which makes it the easiest. We do film the unboxed videos every raceweekend but I don't help out filming them. Before the first free practice I walked over to Daniel and Lando who were talking with each other. I asked them if we could film a quick story for instagram and so we did.
"Tell everyone how you're feeling about Bahrain." They tell the people that they're excited and go into P1 positively. After I quickly posted the story with them looking over my shoulder I leave so they can focus.
I walk into the McLaren garage and put an orange McLaren headset on. I decided to be in Danny's garage for the first free practice and go to Lando's for the second one.

The first practice did not go as we wanted. Lando finished 16th with a 1:36.304 and Daniel finished 17th with a 1:36.402.
Daniel takes his helmet off and drinks a bit while waiting for the second free practice to start.
After about 10 minutes the lights turn on again to let the drivers know they're aloud to go on track if they want to.

Lando improved to 11th with a 1:33.280 while Daniel finished 18th with a 1:34.166. The team is aware that they need to make some changes but they're not worried since it's only the first day.

I walk over to Lando.
"Hey! Great improvement!" I say happy for him and the team.
"Yea thanks." He answers before walking away from me without saying anything.
Okay? I guess he's just frustrated about today so I decide to let him do his thing and let him come to me when he's not so grumpy anymore lol.
I walk over to Danny's garage to see if he's a bit more happy. He always sees the positive things in everything so when I see his big smile when I walk over to him I expected nothing less.
"Hey! And what do you think?" He asks me.
"Changes need to be made but we'll get there. Have you spoken to Lando?" I ask.
"I tried. Honestly I think I should stop haha. He's too much in his head right now. He'll be turned around again in an hour." Daniel answers me.
"Everybody copes differently of course but he literally cut me off." I say a bit disappointed.
"I know. If it makes you feel any better, he cuts me off too and I'm the greatest person in the whole paddock." He succeeds in making me laugh as always.
"I'm gonna get something to eat. I'll see you around." I say to Daniel before walking off to get lunch. While grabbing my lunch I feel a hand on my shoulder and I expect it to be Lando but it's Pierre.
"O hey." I say turning around.
"Did I scare you?" He asks me.
"No uh I just expected you to be someone else." I say before locking eyes with Lando who's been overhearing our conversation.
"Who did you except haha?" Pierre moves in front of me so I'll focus on him. He turns around to see who I was looking at and I see Lando's eyes quickly go down staring at his lunch.
"Work thing." I smile embarrassed.
"Yea Mclaren wasn't great this morning huh?" He says and I honestly get frustrated with what he says and the way he says it.
"Don't get your hopes up just because you had the fastest time in the first practice. Second practice was worse than Lando's." I say letting him know I didn't appreciate what he said.
"I'm just saying." He says.
"Yea whatever I'm gonna eat my lunch." I say before walking over to Lando.
"Do you know where Max is?" I ask him in a cold way cause I definitely wasn't gonna act all nice after how he cut me off.
"In his trailer??" He answers not looking at me.
"Your Max dumbass." I say.
"In my trailer. What do you need him for?" He looks up at me confused.
"It doesn't concern you." I say before walking away.

I knock on the door of the trailer and wait for Max to open it.
"Hey, wanna have lunch together?" I ask and Max immediately gets a smile on his face.
"What?" I ask him.
"No nothing." He laughs.
"Tell me." I say.
"Lando's in his head again?" He asks surprising me with how well he knows his bestfriend. I just laugh at his comment.
"Yes haha. It's cute to see how well you know each other. I wish I had a friend like that." I say.
"You don't have a best friend?" He asks me.
"I do but it's completely different than the relationship you and Lando have." I answer him.
"Different how?" He asks me. I can't answer because Lando walked in.
"Hi." He says.
"Hi?" Me and Max answer confused. Lando stays silent while throwing some weird secret looks to Max. I just stay silent and look at them confused.
"I'm gonna get some lunch too. Be right back." Max says.
"I should go too. Work." I smile awkwardly.
"Y/n?" Lando says when I reach for the door.
"Yes?" I turn around. He again stays silent for a while.
"Do you need a ride home when we're finished here?" He asks me sweetly.
"I'll let John pick me up. Thank you tho." I smile before leaving.
Shit. Now I have to call John. I was supposed to drive back with Pierre but I don't really feel like it today. I decide to turn around and knock on Lando's trailer to tell him I reconsidered his offer. He opens the door and smiles at me.
"I'll wait for you." He says and I smile to thank him. It's funny to see how well he already knows me. I finally try to walk away but I get stopped again.
"Im sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to cut you off like that." Lando says.
"It's okay. I get it." I say.
"You do?" He asks me.
"I think so? Take some rest and feel free to explain whenever you're ready." I smile. "Now I really have to go tho." I laugh.
"Yes of course." Lando laughs too. "Thank you for understanding." He smiles back at me.
"Anytime." I say before finally walking away from his trailer.

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