Chapter 16

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I grabbed some ice cream out of the freezer and knocked on Max's door.
''Wow. you really love ice cream don't you?'' He asks after opening the door and letting me in.
''I guess I do.'' I laugh.
''what do you want to do?'' He asks me.
''I don't really mind.'' I answer.
''I was hoping you wanted to join my twitch stream?'' Max asks.
''Uhm sure. Am I supposed to do something or do I just sit there haha?'' I ask.
''No you don't have to haha. We can play a game together if you want to?''
''Okay but you need to teach me how cause I never play videogames.''
''That'll make it fun.'' He says laughing.
Max said we should play call of duty and so we did. Honestly after a while I wasn't that bad anymore. I even made a couple of kills. I jumped up out of my chair out of happiness when I made a headshot. Max laughs but I know he's secretly a bit embarrassed that I beat him at a game he had to teach me how to play.
''Wow you're better than me at this game.'' I hear behind me and when I match a face to the voice, goosebumps start to spread all over my arms. I stay still and look at Max. I see him signaling to Lando telling him to leave. I turn around and watch him walk away.
''I should go.'' I say to Max.
''What no. You were just getting good.''
I punched his arm. ''I've been playing better than you.'' I say to him.
''So stay for a bit longer. He won't come in again.'' Max says and I sit down again starting a new round.

After a couple of rounds I decide to man up and grab a drink.
''Should I go?'' Max asks.
''I work with him, Max. I'll have to face him anytime soon. Better do it now. Besides I don't have to talk to him if I don't want to.'' I take a deep breath and make my way over to the kitchen. He's laying on the couch scrolling though instagram. He doesn't turn around when i walk over to the kitchen but as soon as I open the fridge he says: ''Grab me a bottle of water please.''. I do and hand it over to him. He must have thought I was Max. When I hand him the bottle of water he notices my nails and turns around.
''Sorry, I thought you were Max.'' He says.
''Just me.'' I say and fake smile at him before walking away.
''Y/n wait.'' He says. I don't answer and walk into Max's room.
''I'm back. Here's your drink.'' I say handing Max his drink.
We play for another hour but then I decide to leave.

''See you tomorrow?'' Max asks before I close his door.
''Probably haha.'' I laugh and close his door.
I look around to see if Lando's still here, but I don't see him. Than I notice his door is open and I see him siiting on the end of his bed with his hands in his hair. I decide to go in. I knock on his door but he doesnt look up. I sit down next to him.
''Are you okay?'' I ask but he doesnt answer. I hear him sniffle. I lay my hand on his chin and pull his face up. I sigh. ''Why are you crying?'' I ask but again I dont get a response. I stand up and leave. If he doesn't want to talk, sure, but I'm not wasting my time on this. I feel his hand being placed on my waist, pulling me a step back. I turn around and look at him.
''Sorry.'' He says and now Im the one who doesnt respond. ''Please stay.''
''Call Aaliyah.'' I say and turn around again.
''She doesnt listen to me the way you do.''
''You should've thought about that before you acted like this Lan. I'm sorry you feel this way, but I am done wasting my time on you Lando.'' I say and finally leave. I practicully run out of their hotel room, scared that he would follow me and force me to continue the conversation. I immediately lay down in my bed. I pull the covers over my head. I feel like a little girl that is scared because of a thunderstorm. I feel tears forming in my eyes, but I decided I was not gonna waist my time on these thoughts.

Chapter 17 will follow very soon!! I just wanted to leave this like this so the next chapter won't start in the wrong way.
LANDO GOT P2 WTH?! I secretly schred a tear but don't tell anyone that.

special green eyes <3 - LNDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora