Chapter 3

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Rigden's Point Of View.

I was playing my guitar in the music room with other friends when I remembered something all of a sudden. One of my friends were taking pictures of the campus and had a camera hung on his neck. My thoughts immediately ran back to that pretty girl.

"Hey, why did you stop playing?", one of my friends interacted. "Hmm...nothing. I have a class after 5 minutes. So I'll head to my class", I said and went to my department.

"Huh...what the hell! Why am I not able to stop thinking about her? I don't even know her name", I silently told my self. "Hey Rigden. Let me tell you something interesting", Karma came out of nowhere and startled me. "What is it?", I took a deep breath.

"You know, our Arya is walking with a female friend for the first time. I mean she never gets along with any girl in this college. That girl seems to be a new girl", he looked so excited.

"You must be joking me. Arya, with another girl? Impossible!", I scoffed.
But then, right when she entered the class I got shocked seeing that girl with her.

It was the same lady whom I can't stop thinking about. "Hey, what's up?", Arya patted my head.
And this brought me back to my senses.

"Hey, don't touch my hair", I frowned. "Um, come here. Why are you staying over there. We are friends now", Arya said and pulled that girl towards us. She looked so cute with the awkward smile.

"Meet my friends. He is Rigden, my best friend", she said.

"Hi, we met yesterday. Do you remember?", I said.

"Hi... I'm Tshogay. Nice to meet you", she smiled.

"You met her yesterday?", Arya looked confused.

"Emm...those men yesterday were chasing her so I helped her", I said.

"Thank you so much Rigden. I don't know what would have happened to me if you weren't there", she looked so concern.

"Ho should thank me. He was almost beaten to death by those drunkards. Thankfully I came there and beat those thugs. See that scar on his neck and few bruise near his lips", Arya laughed.

"Hey, you are spoiling my image", I dragged her neck and whispered. "Haha, well I beat them too. It's just that she came there and helped me", I smiled awkwardly.

"Both of you are so sweet", she smiled and I like the fact the when she smiles, her eyes become so chinky that we can barely see her eyes.

"You can sit with me, let's go", Arya held her hands and took Tshogay with her.

"Oh my god, Arya must be really out of her mind. I never saw her being so sweet with any other girl as of now. She never liked any girl in this college. Did she hit her head when she fought yesterday?", Karma looked so amazed.
I mean like who would not be nice to such a sweet girl like Tshogay.

"Hey, Arya can you come here. I gotta tell you something", I said.

"Sure", she said and sat near me.

"Did you hit your head by the way? I mean while fighting with those men yesterday?", I asked.

"You kidding me? I didn't even get a scratch. Forget about getting hit on the head", she looked flustered.

"Then why are you being so nice and girly with her? I mean you never really hang out with girls. You are probably not girlish", I said.

"Actually, when I was on my way to college today...I happen to see one old lady not able to cross the road and there were cars moving here and there. I went to help her but then a car almost run her down before I reached there. Thankfully she saved her. And the owner of the car was so grumpy that as soon as he came out of the car, he started scolding her. That man almost hit her but I came in between and I almost broke his hands. Luckily she stopped me. She is too kind. I don't like most girls because I find them fake. But she is good. I like her", she said. Ofcourse, who would not like her. Even someone like Arya likes her.

"Hmm...she is very sweet and kind", I smiled.

"And, from now on I'll act like a girl and become soft", Arya smiled.

"I didn't get you", I said.

"You like soft girls. So from now on, I'll not fight with anyone, I'll  not argue with kids, I'll be friendly with all the people, I won't be reluctant and probably I'll act like a girl. A soft one", she smiled.

After hearing this, I kind of became speechless. I starred at her and she did nothing but smile.

Narrator's Point Of View.

The sky was clear and the weather was warm. Tshogay was feeling a little tired so she just sat on a random spot, closed her eyes and inhaled the the fresh air. It was refreshing so she just smiled looking at the sky. And just at a 2 meter distance was Rigden staring at this pretty lady. It was the first time he was feeling this way. An unknown feeling he never had before, but he knew one thing for sure, it was a pleasant feeling. Just seeing her from far made him smile the brightest.

"Hey, what you doing here?", he sat next to Tshogay. "I'm little worn out. I just wanted to take a rest. This place is so calm and beautiful", she giggled.

"Well, It's my favorite place. I come here often", he looked at the sky.

"Then did I disturb you?", she made a sorry face and he liked that a lot.

"Um? can come here whenever you want", he said.

"Here, drink this", she handed over him a lemonade.

"Umm?", Rigden was confused.

"It's for saving me yesterday. Thank you", she smiled as usual.

"Thanks", he smiled and drank the lemonade.

Both of them were simply sharing a great time together. But what about that girl who was right behind of them and silently watching?

Arya, stood behind of them with a lemonade in her hands. She wanted to give this to Rigden. She didn't say anything nor went between them. All she did was simply watch them having a great time and look at the lemonade she held in her hands. All she did was look at how happy Rigden was with her.

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