Chapter 13

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Arya's Point Of View.

"Yes...yes...try to walk slowly. You can do it. Try to stretch your legs, try to stand on your own. You are doing great", I said as Rigden tried to walk on his own.

I can see a great improvement in him. Last time, he couldn't even move his feet, but today he could atleast stand up. Before he took any step ahead, he fell on the ground.

"It's okay Rigden. This is quite normal. You can try standing up again", I said.

He tried his best to stand up but he couldn't. He tried several times, but he failed everytime. He looked frustrated after sometime.

I helped him get on the wheel chair again.
"Let's keep it here for today. We'll try tomorrow again. You did well today", I said.

"It's okay, you don't have to give me false hope. I don't think I can ever walk like before. It's just useless", he said.

"No Rigden, you are wrong. You've had a terrible accident and it will take a little more time to recover. You cannot give up like this. You cannot run away. You will surely walk again", I said.

"Oh.. really? I'm tired of hearing the same thing again and again. And who are you to tell me that I shouldn't run away from my problems. Do you follow your own principles? You tell me not to run away, but didn't you run away from all of this for the last 5 years?", he said in a very serious tone.

"Rigden, that's enough. All these time, I'm trying my best to help you in any way I could, but you are too reluctant to even try. All you do is shout at me, torture me and try to make me quit. If you want to walk then you should corporate with me. Nothing is easy okay, but it doesn't mean everything is hard. You can atleast try, just don't give up like this. I have moved on from the past years ago, because it was too painful. I didn't run away because I knew you would never love me back. I just wanted a place where I could heal, a place where I could find myself", I said. He became silent and all he did was just stare at me.

"You know what, in those five years...there wasn't even a single day where I didn't think of you. And whenever I did, I was miserable. I wanted to run back to you, but I couldn't because I know you will never love me back. There was a time when I couldn't hold back my tears and there was no one who could hear me. There was only me, my room and my pillow who listened to my cries. You think it was easy for me to leave everything behind?", I had tears in my eyes, and every word became difficult for me to speak.

"Huh...I want to be alone for a while. Please pardon me", he said and I could see some tears at the corner of his eyes.

"You know what, you were greedy that time also and you are still greedy. I have had end now, I finally quit", I said and banged the door as I left him in the room.

Rigden's Point Of View.

As soon as she went outside, I finally let my tears flow. She thinks that I didn't miss her, but the fact is that I missed her a lot, like the hell crazy.

Huh, I don't know why I always end up getting too harsh on her. All these time, ever since we met, she always wanted the best for me. And she gave me everything, but I could never do the same for her. She always gave me smiles and happiness, but I only gave her pain and tears. Actually I don't deserve to be her friend. She is just too good for me.

I was just too much involved in my own pain that I forgot to see hers. When I was busy finding myself, I forgot to notice that she was losing herself everyday. I was just running backward towards my past that I thought she was running away from me, when in actual she could never move away from that same place. It was only me and my greed which made everyone around me mesirable  including myself. And it took me so long to realize this. Arya is right...I was always greedy.

I slowly rolled my wheel chair towards the door and opened it to go towards Arya and apologize her. I searched her in every ward including her cabin, but she wasn't there. From one of the nurse, I heard she went with her friend who is a psychiatrist to handle one patient who was getting impatient.

She was in psychiatric ward with one of the patient, and just when I reached there her friend went outside to attend her call. I waited near the door and silently watched her. Her eyes were puffy, probably because she cried a lot.

"Huh, you are such a jerk Rigden", I said to myself for making someone as tough as her cry.

The patient beside her looked kind of scary. This patient was fat and had a devil look. Her mental state doesn't look good. She was constantly saying that some demon is chasing her and pleaded Arya to let her go. Arya was trying her best to calm her down but she was so strong that she pushed Arya through the window. And she immediately ran outside the door.

For a moment I couldn't breathe. I just saw Arya falling from the window from this great height. I was in dilemma, when I heard her voice. And right then, I came back to my senses.

"Help, is someone there?", she shouted and I immediately rushed towards the window.
She was holding on the edge of the wall.

"Arya? Are you okay? I said over the window.
"Rigden, please call someone. I don't think I can hold onto this any longer", she cried.

"I'm here, okay? Don't worry, please calm down", I said. With the help of the wall, I slowly stood up and raised my hands to reach her. She slowly grabbed my hands, but I couldn't move my lower body to step backward to pull her. I tried my best but I couldn't. After trying for few more, I could move a little. By then few people came and helped us out.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?", I said as I checked on her.

"Rigden, I'm fine. See...nothing happened", she said.

"Thank God, you are fine. I almost couldn't breathe ", I said and hugged her.

"Rigden, did you notice something?", She said.

"You could move your steps now. You will walk like before...very soon", she smiled and hugged me again.

"It's okay Arya. Now that you are fine, let's work together on this. Don't ever say again that you will quit on me. I cherish you a lot. You are my best friend after all", I said and caressed her hair.

Arya's Point Of View.

It's so good to see the bits of Rigden I knew before. All this time, I thought he wanted me to leave him alone. But now I know that he wants me to stay beside him. It's so good to be in his arms and know the fact that he cares for me too.
I know for him I am still just a friend, but as long as he is here... it's okay. May be, someday he'll love me too.

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