Chapter 10

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Arya's Point Of View.

"Doctor...this way. This patient is freaking crazy. I haven't had enough sleep since he got admitted a month ago", her condition looked pathetic.

"First you go", I said and gulped down.

"Ma'am, I'm so scared", she stammered and opened the door.

As soon as she entered the room, a loud noise almost knocked me off.

"Get out...", the patient shouted and the nurse ran out of the door. "Ma' me. I told you he is a beast", she was breathing heavily. And right then the patient threw the apple and it almost hit us. Oh my god, who the hell is this patient? Why is he so fierce? It's my first day at work and I got the deadliest patient.

"Huh, I should somehow face the consequences. As a doctor, I shouldn't leave my patient this way. Oh God, please save me from this", I said and entered the room with my eyes closed.
Narrator's Point Of View.

"Can't you all leave me alone? Why are you bugging me?", the man shouted and turned his wheel chair towards Arya.

Out of fear Arya had closed her eyes. I know Arya is a very strong girl and she was such a badass before. She could even beat the men, but Incase of her profession, she has to be soft. After all Doctors should treat their patients in a very delicate way.

"Sir...please calm down, we are here to make you feel better. You won't recover faster if you keep on acting reluctant and hasty like this. If you want to walk again then you have to listen to us too. We have to work together as a team. We have to collaborate and help each other. Are you getting me?", she said in a soft way and had her eyes still closed.

There wasn't any response. The room was completely silent.

"Hey, why is it so silent? Did that guy kill her?", The nurse said to the ward boy. But none of them was willing to go inside and check.

Arya felt something was wrong. Why is that patient silent? He was so wild and angry just a moment ago.

"Are you listening to me mister? Are you here?", she said and had her eyes still closed. But there wasn't any response.

"Hmm? Did he leave?", She said to herself. And then she slowly opened her eyes.

And the moment she opened her eyes, she didn't know whether she was happy or excited. All these years, she new she was missing something. She knew the answer, but she kept on denying it. But now that she saw him Infront of her eyes, she knew she was missing this guy. Finally she knew, she was never able to forget him and can probably never. He was her first love after all.

"Rig...Rigden", she stammered. Her eyes got teary. All she wanted to do that time was to hug him.

On the the line, was Rigden. He was silent. He didn't say anything. He had an emotionless face. He didn't look like the Rigden she knew.

"How did this happen to you?", she said as tears welled up her eyes.

"Do I know you? And do you even know me?", he said in a sarcastic tone.

Arya remained there frozen in the same spot.

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