Chapter 25: "A staring contest"

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•Luella's Point Of View•

Today is prom, I'm getting ready with the girls in my room while my mom admires my dress and makeup.

After Lewis sneaked in my room, my parents found the phone in my pocket right away, they threw it in the bin not before destroying it of course.

The pill they gave me was advised by a doctor, that after a miscarriage I'll start have panic attacks and I'll be angry 24/7, I took the pill again last night since I was panicking non stop.

"Okay mom, that's enough" I mumble while she takes more pictures, half of them are me staring at the floor not even noticing the camera.

"Who are you riding with?" She asks, "Vena and Ben"

We hear a honk and the girls squeal, "Let's go!"

Hazel and Keith took some pictures together while Vena and Ben did the same, they all look adorable.

I stood at the door watching my friends be in healthy beautiful relationships, while I couldn't.

"If you need anything, call from Hazel or Vena's phone, okay?" My mom kisses my forehead and I nod not looking at her.

"Guys" Ben says driving, "Lewis texted me, he's coming to the after party, to see you Lulu"

My heart drops in my ass hearing his name, "I can't, the guy that owns the place is friends with my dad, he told him to keep an eye on me"

"Oh" Ben sighs and Vena gives me a soft smile, "It's okay, I know everything will get back to normal once your parents are off to whatever drug they're on"

I chuckle and nod "yeah I guess"


Ben and Vena took the prom king and queen, I was so happy cheering and clapping for them.

The whole time, Sam was talking to me and making jokes trying to make me laugh.

I tried to stay away from him but he was actually just trying to be nice to me, and I found out he has a girlfriend that he loves from the bottom of his heart.

He also explained how he wanted to be my friend after he saw Rachel bullying me, and made the excuse of learning the Piano with me.

"Ride with me?" Sam asks as we all walk outside to the cars ready to go to the after party.

"I don't know-"

"It's okay if you're not comfortable" he nods taking out his keys, "see you at the party"

I nod and make my way to Ben's car where I find him and Vena making out.

I awkwardly stand next to the car staring at the school's building.

"Oh shit, Lulu" Ben says and I turn around, "sorry" I mumble since I interrupted them.

"No it's okay" Vena grabs my arm and squeezes it, "we're going to have fun, okay?"


"Drinks drinks drinks" Ben dances to the table where the drinks are at.

I giggle as he hands us shots, "who brought the drinks?!" Hazel yells through the music.

No one's age is legal to drink, "Rachel talked to the owner"

I look around and see a guy around my dad's age watching me carefully.

I sigh and stare at the doors that were opened and soon a figure walks in catching my attention.

He wore a black button up with the top buttons undone, black pants and white shoes, rings and necklaces decorating his outfit perfectly.

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