Beauty and the Beast

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Ozan's POV.

What kind of beauty is this? What kind of woman is she? Where has she been hiding? How come I've never seen this woman before?

There is something about her. The moment my eye met hers, the moment she held my hand—my world stopped. She's the one. She's got to be.

There has never been any woman in my life. I've never been interested. Never been in love. Never felt anything. My reputation in my world is that I am a dominant man who gets every girl he wants. They think I'm a sex addict and have no self control. Completely false.

I'm met some women. I've dated a few. I've experienced a bit but I've never felt anything. It was temporary pleasure and comfort that last some time. 

But, this one. She's something. She's got a hold on me for some reason. I requested specifically to have her change my bandages just to see those green eyes once again. I scared her, I'm aware.

I'm a clear picture. I am who I am. I don't pretend or lie. Even if I'd love to impress her to have her attention sooner or later she'll realize who I am really and probably run away.

I shouldn't be going for her because in my case, we don't date or go out with people outside of our world. However, I'm a leader and I get to have a say. If I want to change the rules, I can. And so, I will.

She shouldn't have bumped into me. Now, I want her and I don't think anything can really stop me.


Noora's POV.

"Habibti, you're good?" Samira brings me back on earth.

"Mmh? Oh...yeah." I'm not. I'm a bit scared after meeting that man. I wish I could erase what he told me from my memory. And, the fact that he is still in the hospital in that room and that I will be checking up on him for the rest of the week freaks me out.

"Then, eat you haven't touched your food" right. I'm on my period so I'm not fasting. I got used to not eating during lunch.

"Right," I take a bite out of the apple.

"What's on your mind? Is it nano? Oh my god! Did something happen to your grandmother?!" She panicked.

"No no, alhamdullilah she's fine. It's nothing really. I just keep zoning out." I lie.

"Okay, thank god." She says in relief.

After lunch, I was asked to my trainer miss Johnson's office. Did I do something? Ya Allah, I hope everything is okay.

I knocked on her door before getting in.

"You're here," she says.

"Come and have a seat my dear" she proceeds to say as I do so. My hands are sweaty. I'm nervous, why would she need to talk to me unless something went wrong?

"This is for you" she gives me a badge and a gift card. What is going on?

"What's this for?" I asked surprised.

"You've been taking very good care of a specific patient. I am training you and so this a win for me. This is a reward from me and this is your first badge—it means that you're a very qualified nurse that has been praised by patients here." She explained. I feel like crying. This is heartwarming.

"Thank you...I'm speechless"

"And, I'm so proud of you. Also, the patient requested you take care of him in the morning and in the night for the rest of the week. I was going to let someone else take it over at night but I figured I'll just let you go with it. Do you agree?" She asked.

"Yes, for sure. Whoever it is, I'm so glad they appreciated my help. I'm very pleased." I replied with a smile. I can't stop smiling. My mood was down this morning but now I'm all good. This made my day.

"Perfect, my dear. Go on with your day." she said with a smile.

Miss Johnson is usually very strict and serious. But, seeing her happy today is heartwarming. It suits her very well.

Later on in the day, at around 8pm, as I was doing my last round I received a message from one of my co-workers saying that he couldn't take over the criminal's room because miss Johnson specifically had me take it for the rest of the week. There is no way in hell...can he possibly be the man who said good things about me to miss Johnson? Him?! Out of everyone I take care of in this hospital?!

I began panicking again. I don't want to go back in that room. I don't want to meet him again. He's a criminal!

I stopped for a while and leaned against the wall for balance taking deep breaths. I need to calm down. It's not like he's going to do anything to me...right?

I did my round and kept his room last on my list even if keeping him last didn't mean I was going to never go in there and face him. The time arrived, and I knocked before entering.

"Good evening, I will be checking your temperature, changing your bandage and giving you necessary medication if needed." I said.

"It was about time you show up. I was sure you wouldn't." He said staring right into my soul as I checked his temperature.

"Of course not. I always make sure to see all my patients." I reassured him.

"Did I scare you?" He then asked me.

" I am fine." Keep your cool, you don't want to give him a hint.

"Are you sure Noora?" Oh my Allah. The way he says my name...patients always call me by my name and it doesn't matter to me. I actually like it because it feels like home but when he says my doesn't feel right.

"Mr. Ozan, please remove your shirt so I can proceed with your bandage." I replied instead.

I'm just here to do my job and leave.

He removed his shirt and once again my heart stopped for a second. He is scary perfect.

I unwrapped his bandage, cleaned it up, sanitized and then wrapped it up with a new one. The whole time it was as if his eyes were burning my skin.

"All done. Your temperature is good and you seem to be okay with the wound. I won't give you any more painkiller if in any case you need some, we're always available when needed—you press the button and we come to you." I  said moving away immediately and taking distance.

"Are you seeing anyone?" He asked all of a sudden. I can't take it anymore.

"Mr. Ozan...with all due respect, I apologize for having asked that personal question this morning. It was not by any means to intrude in your personal life. It is my pleasure to be taking care of you while you're here and I am forever grateful for you having put in a kind word for me. However, i'd appreciate if we keep our personal lives private." I said.

"So well spoken and respectful." What?

"Excuse me?"

"Answer my question Noora—Are you seeing anybody?" He asked once again. Did he not just hear me?

"Fine. I'll answer this one question only. No I'm not seeing anyone. I don't date as I am a Muslim woman." I said hoping that would be the end of this conversation.

"Muslim as in you have to marry the man you love?" He can't be serious.

"That's not the only thing Muslim commit to but yes" I confirmed.

"Good. Very good." He says. His deep voice gives me shivers.

He stopped talking and then just stared me. We both stared at one another for a good minute.

"Have a good night mr. Ozan." I finally said before leaving his room.

Once again, I have trouble breathing and panic rises in me. By all means, tomorrow, I need to find a way to find someone to treat him instead of me. I cannot go back. I just cannot.


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