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Ozan's POV.

"Yes, of course, I will be there. I am bringing my wife along for sure. You don't have to worry about that. Talk to you soon. Bye." I hung up the call. This client of mine is eager to meet Noor. It's still very fresh news that I am married. I'm not surprised.

"Noor?" She's not in the kitchen? Nor in the living room? She wasn't in bed when I woke up and that made me so upset. After the moment that we shared last night, I wanted to see her face first thing waking up in the morning.

"Noor?" I called for her once again.

There's no way she just left. It's Sunday. She doesn't work Sundays. She could have at least left me a note or texted me.

I went back into our room and looked around when my eyes landed on a piece of paper right beside my night table. What is that?

I walked to my night table and grabbed the paper. I began reading and as I kept reading my blood boiled, my jaw clenched so did my knuckles. What the fuck is this? It must be a joke.

I'm saying goodbye before you get to do it. I'm sorry this is how things have to end but I am left with no choice. I tried to love you so badly and to accept you but how much more do I have to accept? I won't let you hurt me. And, I won't let you break me either. Goodbye Ozan.


I ripped the paper as I began panicking.

Goodbye? Who the fuck gave her the right to do this?! She's fucking mine until I fucking want to!!

I heard the doorbell ring and immediately believed it was her. Noor?!

I ran to the door and opened it only to find a file lying on the doorstep. What the fuck is this? I looked around just to see if there was anything suspicious. What if she got kidnapped? What if this was all a set? What if she's in danger? Who the fuck leaves an envelope like this?

I grabbed it and opened it immediately.

What the actual fuck?

Divorce papers.


"What the fuck happened?!" I snapped at Sultan.

My guards told me Noor had driven all the way here and then left a day before she disappeared. I need to know why. It's been a week. A week of not seeing the love of my life, of not kissing or hugging her. I'm walking around like a starved man. I have no energy, I feel so incomplete without her. It's insane and it's eating me alive.

A week without my Noor. I feel like dying.

"You lower your voice when you speak to me." She said in her stern tone.

"Why was she here and what did you tell her?" I asked.

"Get ready, you're getting married in a month." She said instead.

"Sultan, I swear to god—don't play with me." Does she think I'm stupid?

"I am not joking. She left you Ozan. Does that ring a bell? The woman that you forcefully married and brought home left you. I am telling you right now to get married to the girl I've chosen for you." My heart dropped. I couldn't believe what she was saying. Is that what she told Noor? This is a whole fucking lie! Noor would have never left me. She loves me and I love her.

"She did not leave me—you did that to me!! You made her leave!!" I yelled. I was frustrated and beyond angry.

"She was the only good thing that happened to me ever I lost Mom and Dad and that was because of you! I lost them because of you and now I lost the only girl I loved because of you!" I added.

"No need to get emotional. Come in." Maria walked into the living room. Her heels let everyone know she had arrived.

"You're going to marry her." What the hell?!

"What the fuck Maria?" I turned to her.

"Not Maria, Maryam." I'm about to go crazy.

"When you had freshly turned 10, I had done your engagement to Maria. Both of you grew up together, you are good friends. It doesn't have to change after marriage either." No...way.

"Maria?" I looked at my best friend hoping she'd say something against this.

"My name is originally Maryam. I changed to Maria just for fun actually and I was also just like you unaware of this whole engagement thing but...I love you, Ozan. I always did. I love our workouts, I love our talks. I hated every girl that came into your life including Noora. I was hoping she'd eventually leave but it took a hell of a time. But, she's gone now. We belong to each other." I don't believe my ears. I don't believe what she's saying either. I don't believe anything. This is beyond ridiculous.

She was my only friend but it was all a lie.

"Why would you do that to me?" I turned back to Sultan and asked her.

"Just do as I say from now on." She said.

"Don't do it, Ozan." Sanam walked in looking furious.

"Whatever Sultan does or says—do not succumb. I can't believe you. Your grandson for once made a good decision. To marry a good girl and you took that away from him. Noora was nothing but nice to us. And, it's a shame that you can't see it but I do. Ozan please, don't give up on Noora" She said.

"Oh please, Sanam. You sound dumb—"

"Don't you dare speak to my sister like that. God, I can't believe this family. I will make sure that I get Noor back into my life and you out of it." I looked at Maria and Sultan before walking out of the house.

Words cannot explain how I feel. I always knew people could have twisted minds and brutal intentions. I just never knew it would come from my own blood and close people.


Noora's POV.

I'm not sure if there will ever come a day for me to feel better. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to truly smile again. For now, it seems impossible.

The days are long, my thoughts are always brought back to one person. I cannot focus nor can I eat well or sleep well.

I pretend like I'm okay but it's nearly possible.

"Are you all ready Nano?" I asked her.

Nano and I are leaving for Pakistan. Since I did not want to give her a heart attack, I decided to not tell her that I had divorced Ozan. Instead, I lied that I took a vacation to spend time with her. I'm bringing her to Pakistan. Leaving this country and going back to my homeland will bring me peace and comfort.

I want to feel alive again but it won't work staying here and being reminded constantly about what I'm going through. The worst thing is that I cannot share it with anyone therefore I cannot share my pain. I have to recover on my own. And, that's hard for me.

"Yes, I'm all ready. Let's go." She replied.

Our baggage was ready. Everything was settled and our flight was due for 7 pm tonight. We were leaving at 4 pm. Samira was going to drop Nano and me. I also lied to her and surprisingly she believed me.

This trip is going to be good. I am going to take care of Nano and focus on myself. I will heal and connect with my relatives. I will breathe and try to feel happy again. I can do this. Allah is with me.


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