Back To Me

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Noora's POV.

Nano wanted to stay longer in Pakistan so I had to leave her to our relatives as I flew back to London with Ozan.

I still couldn't process everything that had happened. One moment it was over and I was a new girl and the next moment, I was in his arms and ready to give myself to him.

Something was pulling us back to one another. He can't stay away from me nor can I. And, that's just one of the signs that we are meant to be.

Ozan decided that the first thing he was going to do was discuss with his lawyer if his mariage with Maria that was done years ago without his consent was valid. I agreed to this. Maria makes me uneasy. She always did. I knew she was a beautiful woman but I didn't know she was hiding venom under that beauty.

It's a shame that she portrayed herself to be the good guy when in reality she wanted my husband the whole time. It's also a shame that Ozan trusted her, he doesn't trust people easily yet she was special to him and she ruined that.

"At this point, you keep disappearing and coming back with insane hot tea girl" Samira was not surprised anymore. I didn't tell her about the fact that I almost got divorced. Certain things, are better remained private.

"I know" I chuckled.

"Guess what," she said.


"Dr. Khalid." My eyes got wide. Oh my days. What happened with Dr. Khalid?!

"He...well, don't be shocked. I know I'm engaged but...Dr. Khalid...he just makes me doubt. He's been nothing but kind to me and...recently he...asked to reconsider my current choice of partner." My jaw dropped. Not him shooting his shot!!

I couldn't help but smile like a little girl.

"Why are you smiling like that?!" She asked.

"Because—it's too obvious Samira. He likes you. There, I said it." I said chuckling again.

"Girl—...I can't deny it anymore." She let out a sigh.

"There's nothing wrong with ending an engagement. Your parents chose that guy for you. You never did. If you like someone else, now is the time to make things right." I said.

"You're right. But, keep your mouth shut. I don't want Dr. Khalid to know anything for now. I'll tell him myself when it's time." She said.

"Don't worry girl. I got you." I replied. I'm so happy for her.

Indeed, Allah's plan is the best of plans.


I got home after work and began baking cookies. I felt like skipping diner and immediately making my favourite chocolate chip cookies.

Ozan was coming home soon. I know he doesn't like sweets but I'll force him to try one of my cookies. He's got no choice but to try one.

The cookies were done and now, I was watching a tv show in the living room. I was trying to focus on the show but there was something perhaps a feeling that I shouldn't be feeling that was sitting in my stomach. The last time that I was here, cooking as I was anticipating his arrival...someone else showed up at the door. And, that person spat in my face and left me with a panic attack that made me faint.

This time...I know it's different. I don't know where Maria is and what she's doing, but the message is clear. She wanted me gone. She wanted him. What if she showed up again today? What if she tried again to break any hopes left? What if—

"Precious?" My heart was racing. I was overthinking it. He had arrived.

He came in the living room where I was as our eyes met. I know he can feel it. He can feel that I'm not okay.

"What's the matter?" He asked concerned coming to me and bending in front of me levelling to me.

"Noor?'re shaking." He said placing his hands on my thighs and caressing them. He always does that me. And, it always calms me down. I feel safe being touched by him.

"Please baby...tell me what's wrong? I can't stand seeing you like this." He eyes soften.

I stopped breathing for a second and then tightly closed my eyes shut. It took a few seconds before I wrapped my arms around his neck. I needed to be held.

He gently rubbed his hand on my back as he held me back tight.

"What's wrong my love?" He called me love and I began crying.

"No—no no..." he made me look at him and wiped my tears away.

"You can't do this to me. If you're crying because of me...fuck...I can't—I do not want to be the reason of you crying..." his expression immediately changed. He was blaming himself.

I grabbed his hands and got up before pulling him up to face me. Then, I made him sit on the couch and sat on his lap as he held me.

"I...I'm just...I love you Ozan. I'm...completely in love with you. I almost believed I had lost you forever." I confessed.

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." He apologized.

"It's not your fault. You didn't know." I said.

"I should have done better. I should have expected Sultan to have—"

"No. You were just a kid. It's not fair to you. You've been through so much." I hugged him again.

"Why...are you this good to me? I've hurt you. How can you only see the good in me despite everything?" His voice breaks and so does my heart.

"Because..." I pulled back and connected my forehead to his.

"Because I love you so much and I can't be so bad. You didn't mean to hurt me. People around you Ozan...they wanted to hurt you. But Allah, brought us back to each other." I said.

"I gotta say might be surprised..." he said.

"Tell me."

"When we were apart...everything around me reminded me of you. From the coffee you take in the morning to the prayers you do in our living the clothes you wear...I couldn't stop thinking about you and...knowing that I might never get you back I...prayed. For the first time since my parents passed away...I got up and prayed and I asked Allah for one thing...and it was to get you back." I almost got tears in my eyes.

It was obvious that Ozan wasn't so religious. It had always bothered me a bit that we couldn't connect spiritually. Therefore, I had always prayed for him to be guided. To naturally have this need to turn to Allah. It happened.

"I love you but Allah loves you also because he brought you back to me." I said before connecting my lips to his.

He kissed me back. It was slow, deep and soft.

"Another thing—" he broke the kiss.


"I spoke to my lawyer and...he said the engagement between Maria and I was done out of consent and's not valid. I have no ring on my finger expect the one you put on me on our Nikah day. And, I had agreed to marry no other girl but you." He said. I was so glad to hear it.

"That's amazing" I smiled.

Alhamdullilah. I was nervous and maybe a bit scared as well.  I didn't know how things were going to turn out. But, I knew there had to be a way.


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