The Leader

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Noora's POV.

I'm at a very fancy cafe. How fancy you ask me? Well, they have waitresses and the prices for a cake is as high as a full cake itself. I feel a bit uncomfortable. I'm not used to fancy things and luxuries.

I'm happy where I am in life and I believe there's a reason why not everything blends together. Right now, I don't feel like I blend in here. I feel out of place and like I'm being judged. I heard people talking, whispers and laughs. I've never been in this town. It was 35 minutes away from my hometown. I've never been farther than fifteen minutes from my house. I keep myself close in case nano needs me.

I'm anxious and he's late. He said to be here at 11am sharp. Here I am, but where is he? If he doesn't show up...I'll be embarrassed and even disappointed more than I am already.

I get a call and pulled out my phone out of my bag. Why would Zayn call me?

"Hello?" I picked up.

"Hey,'s it going?" He asked.

"I'm okay. And you? Is everything okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yes of course. All good. Are you busy today? My mom wanted to see you." Zayn's mother loved me. I loved her as well. I haven't see her in a big while.


"Sorry, I'm late" he's here. I had prayed he wouldn't show up.

"I'll call you back Zayn. Say hi to your mom for me." I hung up right after.

"Who the hell is Zayn?" He snapped.

"A friend from college" I said.

"I don't believe in friendship between women and men. You need to cut him off." He states.

"Me neither...that's why it's hard to let him go" I honestly admitted.

"Should I kill him?" I looked at him like he had said the most outrageous thing ever.

"You will not do anything to him." I said which comes out as a warning.

"I met him in college. At that time, I needed someone to..." I began telling him the whole story of Zayn and I to what we are now. He listened without moving his gaze away from me.

"Asshole." He said when I'm done talking.

"How can anyone ever intend to hurt you?" He proceeds to ask.

"He didn't intended just all happened so fast. Anyway, it's over now. He's not the one. I am sure of it." I said.

"Can I offer you guys anything?" The waitress comes by.

"No, thanks." I declined.

"Two vanilla lattes and a vanilla cake for my girl" my girl? My heart just skipped a beat...I think.

"All good. Be right back." The waitress taps on her iPad and then leaves with a smile.

"I'm not hungry..."

"I insist."

"Um...are you known around here?" I asked.

"I live in this town yeah, why?"

I gestured for him to come close. He approached his face to hear me better as I whispered in his ear "I keep hearing people in this café whispering things about you".

He sits back correctly and moves his neck popping his knuckles.

"One thing about me, everyone think I'm a womanizer. I'm not. Second thing, when I'm with you—you completely ignore whatever people say and you focus on one person only and that is me. Got it?" I slightly nodded.

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