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Ivy Marlene
📍Tottenham, London: 2017

FlashbackT/W mentions of sexual assault

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T/W mentions of sexual assault

Ivy hid her head into her pillow - she had tried everything she could to hide herself from her reality. The facade she put on daily was beginning to deteriorate. Pretending to be someone she wasn't only worsened her mental state. She had completely forgot who she was, or at least, who she used to be before it had happened. She briefly lifted her head to turn over her pillow as the side she'd been laying was now coated with tears.

She began to ease up as a wave of fatigue overtook her, but just as she was about to sleep—her mother barged into the room

"Vee have yo— what's wrong? Look at me."

Ivy finally met eyes with the women, her face swollen with a scarlet tint from the constant crying.

"You know you can talk to me about anything... If I'm being honest, I already know what's going on, this isn't something to be ashamed of."

The weight on Ivy's heart was lifted. Perhaps she didn't have to go through the burden of stumbling over her words to explain what happened herself.

"I've seen the bathroom already. You've started you period haven't you?" Her mother assumed before preparing to leave. "You should really tell me. I'll go get you a pad-."

"Mum." Ivy finally spoke causing her mother to stop at the door. "I don't think I'm on my period."

"Yes you are honey. That's why you were in pain, I can get you a paracetamol if you'd like?" She laughed "It's normal for girls to bleed when-."

"Mum no." Ivy sat up and tried to force the words to come out. "I-it wasnIt was Carter. He did this."

Just like her tears streamed down her face once again—across from her, her mother stood disoriented at the information she had just heard. She had a feeling she knew what her daughter was implying—but her own brother..? She was almost certain that was not in his character.

"Ivy I don't know what you're playing at right now but this isn't something to joke about. You do know kids making accusations like that ruin a person's life? Why would you want that for your own uncle."

"It's not an accusation it happened! I'm not a kid I'm 14, I know what happened, Carter did it to me!"

Her mother's face remained unreadable.

𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐓 | 𝐊𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊 Where stories live. Discover now