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Ivy Marlene
📍Bronx, New York: 2020

Ivy Marlene📍Bronx, New York: 2020

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"I got it." Ivy spoke before unlocking her front door and helping Ida and Sharika inside. Much to her dismay, a string of voices could be heard, letting her know they weren't the only ones in the house. Leaving the others to settle in the living room, she walked into the kitchen seeing her brother on the phone.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Ant stopped his conversation.

"I was watching Malachai's grandma." She spoke exhausted.

"You said that was just for Friday afternoon. You coming in here on Sunday morning with guests." He grilled her. "Am i trippin' or is Shax limping?"

Ivy expression quickly changed to confused as she turned to see Sharika entering the kitchen with Dougie and Kay. "Ivy you don't know how to pick up the phone?"

"So you all are just cool now? Since when did you guys chill here." Ivy spoke confused

"We thought ya was missing so we checked in to see if your brother knew where you was." Dougie quickly explained.

Sighing, Ivy explained the events of the past few days as well as her worries about Malachai.

"Who the fuck shot at Shax?" Dougie raised his voice

"Are you hurt?" Kay quickly rose from his seat examining Ivy's face.

"So Sharika you got opps?" Ant spoke shocked. "They knew better than to hit Ivy though. You shoulda stayed in the hospital, you not even walking straight."

"First of all, you all gotta calm down. That's not even the main point. That nigga went missing"

"Y'all are thinking too much, he doin' business." The voice on Ant's phone spoke.

"That's Daniel?" Ivy questioned with a smile. She quickly stopped once Kay shot her a look.

"What's good Ivy? Did you get hurt?"

"So y'all just don't give a fuck about me huh?" Sharika huffed.

"I do." Dougie spoke.

"Don't worry I'm good. But you guys aren't listening, we got shot at the same day he went missing and he's not answering no calls." Ivy explained.

"You stop stressin' about it, I'll try get in contact with him." Daniel reassured her.

Ivy agreed and left once Ida walked in gesturing for help carrying her bags. Once she returned Dougie was left in the kitchen with Sharika and Ant going back and forth.

"You bein' mad rude." Sharika shook her head.

"What's up with y'all? You keep bringing random people in like it's a care home." Ant complained.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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