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Right as we were pulling away from each other the door bell rang and George sighed marching down the stairs to get it.

Lockwood and I both looked at each other with confused faces as we walked down the stairs as well to fond George talking to a girl my age.

She had red-ish hair and bags in her hand, must have been a long journey for her because she looked like she was exhausted and starved. "You're not Arif", George observed in a monotone voice not being particularly friendly to the girl.

"Who's Arif?", the girl asked him knitting her eyebrows into a frown briefly looking at me and Lockwood then back to George.

"A shop at the corner, sells doughnuts. But you don't have any doughnuts, do you?", he mused and huffed briefly.

"No, I saw your ad about a job in the newspaper and-", she stopped herself looking at George with hopeful eyes. "Are you Mister Lockwood?", she asked and I briefly snickered making George look at me out of his peripheral vision smirking.

"No, but he is", George took a step to the side making room for this girl to see Lockwood you stood confident beside me. I waved awkwardly as the girls gaze lingered on me a little longer with slight disappointment.

"I'm Anthony Lockwood, and you are?", Lockwood asked the girl stretching out his hand for her to shake.

"My name is Lucy. Lucy Carlyle", she smiled still briefly making eye contact with me and then looking back to Lockwood. "You don't hire anymore, do you?", she stated the obvious as George closed the door letting her in.

It was quite cold outside so he didn't want to stand there with an open front door any longer. I couldn't blame him, I was shivering.

"Why don't we discuss this at a cup of tea and biscuits?", he smiled warmly at her and then gave George a look which made the dark haired one roll his eyes nodding.

Lockwood locked eyes with me signalling me to follow him to the living room which I of course did. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience", she muttered as we took place on the couches.

Lockwood and I sat on the couch opposite from her as George came in with a tray. A plate of biscuits and four cups of tea with the steaming beverage in it.

"Please take one. George will only eat them all", Lockwood told Lucy as we all took a biscuit from the plate.

I was right, Lucy was starved because she began munching on the dessert as if she hadn't eaten in days which made us look at her a little weirded out.

KNOW MY NAME | Anthony LockwoodWhere stories live. Discover now