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"Miss Carlyle", Lockwood began with a charming smile making her turn her head away from George. Her gaze lingered on him.

"I apologise for upsetting you, but I assure you this is a genuine enterprise and that was a serious test", he explained and stopped shortly.

"Which you past with flying colours", he smiled and I just rolled my eyes as he kept going on about how the candidates before me made up some stories about that cup.

I chuckled as George stood up rather quickly from that 'deep armchair' which apparently didn't 'take a while to get up'.

"You better tell her about the biscuit rule", he breathed giving her a death glare.

"What?", she asked confused. "She can't just go taking two at once like that", he spoke mainly to Lockwood not paying any attention to her words whatsoever while looking at her.

"The rule is: each member of the agency can only take one biscuit at a time in strict rotation", Lockwood spoke slightly annoyed, but you wouldn't notice that.

"Keeps things fair", I added stepping over to where Lucy was standing. She gulped the biscuit down.

"Ea..Each member of the agency?", she asked and she held that hopeful glint in her eyes while locking eyes with me. I nodded.

"If are still interested in taking the job", I smiled and she began to smile as well looking slightly like a child on Christmas. I smiled as she regained her posture trying to be professional.

"Yes. I'm interested", she spoke professionally as she let out a breath of relief. I chuckled.

"Excellent. How about I give you a tour of the house?", Lockwood asked and Lucy nodded, before they could walk any further I reminded him of something.

"We don't have any room for her to sleep though", I reminded him and be turned back around smiling.

"Of course we have. You'll just sleep in my room", he spoke so casually winking at me and then dragging Lucy with him for the tour.

I opened my mouth to protest, but no words came out. I blinked perplex. What just happened? "Close your mouth before you catch flies", George smirked while snickering and I closed my mouth abruptly shoving his shoulder brushing past him.

"Shut up", I gritted my teeth at him walking to my room in the attic which will be occupied by Lucy now.

I smiled slightly at Lockwoods words replayed in my head. We're just friends, that sleep together in one room. One bed.

No problem, right?

KNOW MY NAME | Anthony LockwoodWhere stories live. Discover now