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"Alright, I'm gonna test you on the plans in random order", Lockwood began as we three got out of the cap.

Us three meaning me, Lockwood and Lucy.

"Never know which one we'll need and when", he added stalking towards the house with a bag in his hand. Lucy and I looked at each other tightening the grin on our gear bag as we were walking on either side of him.

"It's vital we can communicate quickly and clearly in a few words as possible", he kept looking towards the home ahead of us.

I laughed. "Good start. Took you about 30 words to even explain what you're gonna do", he glanced at me from the corner of his eye smiling slightly.

"Don't be facetious, Evie. We really don't have time", his voice turned serious again. "Now, what's Plan C?", he asked as we trotted a little behind him.

"Plan C means whoever isn't in combat makes a defensive circle", Lucy answered quickly and I nodded along going over the plans in my head.

"Plan E means you fight the visitor. I deal with the source", I explained plan E making him nod along as Lucy looked ahead. "Plan D is the other way around", I added with a stern face looking up at the scenery in front of us.

The home was a huge building build with red bricks having white accents here and there.

"Plan A is lavender water, and plan F is greek fire, which should only be used indoors under carefully controlled circumstances", Lucy continued for me and smiled a little proud of herself for remembering.

"Ten out of ten", Lockwood nodded proudly as we continued to walk towards the house with long strikes.

"They were only six", I said smiling as I noticed him turning his head towards me with an eye roll. "Damn. I'll have to think of another four", he said shaking his head then turning back towards the house.

"Thought there wasn't any time to be facetious", Lucy sounded amused my his prior words and I chuckled. "She got you there", I mused smirking at the brown haired on my left.

"Well we're slightly ahead of schedule", he tried to defend himself by looking down at his wristwatch as we walked up the low stairs onto the wooden veranda of the house.

"Are you sure this is the right address?", Lucy asked unsure as we looked through the glass windows in the door. The house was dark inside. Nobody home.

"62 sheen road. Mrs Hope", Lockwood nodded ranting down the information. He rings the doorbell. "Quarter to six on the dot", he looked at his watch again.

He then knocked on the door harshly and I punched his shoulder slightly. "Don't be rude", I whispered for him to hear as he shook his head.

We all saw a shadow walk past. My ears picking up a hissing sound. Definitely not Mrs Hope. "There's someone in there", I whispered to none in particular as I tried to get a better look inside.

"Ah, here she comes", Lockwood said confidently as Lucy and I shared a glance while he fixed his tie.

"Are you from the agency?", a voice made all of us turn around quickly. It was an elderly woman standing there in black coat which hugged her slightly hunched figure.

"Mrs Hope?", Lockwood assumed walking a little forward while the woman nodded. "I'm Anthony Lockwood and this are my colleagues, Lucy Carlyle and Evie Flemming", he introduced the three of us briefly.

"You look familiar", the lady said looking at me furrowing her eyebrows deep in thought. I gulped nervously, but didn't show it. "I'm afraid I don't think we already met", I smiled.

Lockwood seemed to think for a moment. Then he regained the professional posture.

"We've come about your problem. Do you care to show us inside?", I asked smiling kindly at the woman in front of us trying to ignore her piercing eyes.

She didn't look so keen on going inside. "Oh no, I won't set a foot in there", she shook her head declining. "Not since my husband passed. Not since...how he passed", she explained curtly.

We all nodded in acknowledgment for her reasons. "The disturbances have been very persistent", she explained "I...I'm going to sell it, but it needs fixing first", she added.

"That is exactly what we do", Lockwood told her reassuring her. "Locate the visitor, contain the source. A safe space means a satisfied customer", Lucy smiled at the lady which didn't seem very pleased by our arrival.

"Shouldn't you have a supervisor?", she asked and from that I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. "I thought an adult had to be present at an investigation", she added questioning us.

"Strictly speaking, the law states that an adult's only required if operatives are undergoing training", Lockwood defended. "But we don't find it necessary", he added quickly with a smile.

"To be honest, adults are pretty useless anyway", Lucy blurted out making Lockwood glance at her with a warning look while I tried to stop myself from laughing.

"She means because of their lack of sensitivity. They just get in the way", I came to help her find the right words and she nodded confirming my statement.

Lockwood smiled at Mrs Hope ironically hoping to not get fired from the job. Lucky for us Mrs Hope didn't seem to be faced by Lucys previous words giving Lockwood the keys to the house.

She was about to turn around to leave, when Lockwood spoke again. "One more thing, madam. Is there someone else inside the house? It's just we saw-", he got interrupted by the lady.

"No. I've got the only key", she stated making Lockwood close his mouth. "Here's the form you sent. Tells you all you need to know", she said handing him the papers. "Now I have to go. It's almost curfew", she spoke urgently then turning to walk away but stopping once more.

"When I was your age, I was out chasing boys, having fun", her words were full of pity for us. "It's terrible the world's come to this", she shook her head as we just stood there smiling at her.

"I feel sorry for your generation", she added with a miserable tone.

Then she turned away and left for good.

"Cheerful soul", Lockwood mused looking after her disappearing figure. "Real ray of sunshine", Lucy chimed in. "Very optimistic", I pursed my lips turning to Lockwood who got the door open.

"Ready?", he asked us looking at me first. "Ready", I confirmed nodding. He then looked over at Lucy and she nodded "Ready".

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