6 | The Decision

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"The brains behind this thing is sitting on the other side of the world, probably planning his next move already, while we here rake ours, Greg. I need the d*mn approval from those so called 'authorities', do what you need to and get it as soon as possible!"

"You're not supposed to go on missions yet, Luna. You know you're still recovering." Greg reasoned.

Luna wanted to expose the mastermind behind the attack at the Blue Hearts hotel. For which she'd need to travel to where she suspects the criminal is hiding.

"My leg is fully RECOVERED." She stated.

The last mission she went on was to a neighbouring country. There, when pulling the man she'd arrested, the son of a b*tch tried freeing himself from her hold. Though the mission was a success, it cost her left fibula a fracture as a result of trying and getting a grip on him.

"Greg, the equipments aren'___"

"How long does it take to recover from a fracture, Alphard? Completely, I mean." Greg asked as soon as Alphard entered the cabin.

"6 months for any bone, or longer depending upon the damage." He said looking from Greg to Luna and wasn't pleased.

Luna let out a frustrated sigh and made both the men flinch in horror as she slammed both of her hands on Greg's desk before speaking.

"WHICH PART DID I FAIL TO EXPLAIN CLEARLY!? I NEED, AT LEAST THE VERBAL CONFORMATION BEFORE I LEAVE THE AGENCY TODAY!!" She left the cabin and shut the door with a thud, leaving both the men rooted to their spots.

"...wow," Alphard breathed after a solid one minute. "What was that about?"

"She wants to carry out a mission, but is still recovering from the last one, which was successfully completed, but at the cost of her left fibula." Greg sighed.

"The fracture you were hinting about earlier?" Greg nodded. "How long has it been?"

"3 months. She is well enough to walk and carry out on her daily activities, but missions? Ughh... I don't know how to convince her, no one can when she makes her mind up."

"3 months is a long time, Greg. A fracture can settle. Besides, I haven't seen her struggle with her leg while training me, or the others. If something does happen, hospitals are not hard to find these days." Alphard reasoned.

"It might be where she's supposed to go. In fact, it is."


"The white continent." Alphard was left dumb.

What could he possibly say? Whole of the world knows that there's...nothing on the land there except for some people doing some research and the flora, fauna, of course.

"I'll try what I can," He said keeping Dorian in mind, her uncle can talk her out of it. Then he left the cabin.

Greg just nodded in response, hoping for Alphard to succeed.

The rest of the day was pretty much tensed. Her outburst gave everyone the creeps. Though Alphard was just getting to know her, he knew for a fact that she was always calm and collected and unlike today, she never skipped her meals. He couldn't figure out the reason for her behaviour from earlier. Greg was confused too. Generally any such situation would annoy her, but this has never been the case.

There inside her cabin, Luna was trying to not lose her cool, but couldn't. The thought that the criminal was still on the loose disturbed her. What's worse was that she couldn't tell anyone that it was Alphard whom the attack at the hotel was planned for, not to mention she was protecting her mate without even him knowing about it.

Beauty The BeastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora