30 | The Search

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"Bella?" Carl's eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

"What do you mean Bella told you?" Will asked.

Luna sighed and slid her hand into the side pocket of her jacket. While everyone were confused, she pulled out a folded sheet of paper and handed it to Carl. He took it from her and held it open in front of him with his right hand which was still tied to the chair. He silently began reading what was written on it, then Luna took it from him and let the others read too.

Ms. Luna Royalves,

I know you very well, but you don't know me, or at least I think so and I guess it's for the best. Having found your mate and bearing his children is where the women of our kind find most joy in and raising those innocent souls into someone who could lead the pack in the future is our greatest achievement, but I wasn't fortunate enough for that.

You might wonder who this mad woman is and why she's reaching out to you, it's because though I'm not entirely aware of the reason, I'm well aware of the mission you're on and my mate is among those you seek. I'm not reaching out to you for my mate's sake, nor do I ask you to spare his life. I know he's in the wrong and anyone who goes that way should be punished rightly.

After his death you know what would become of me; an individual who lost its mate to death wouldn't survive for long, but I don't worry for myself, all I care about is my child. If only I had given birth to a boy, or that I had had a second child, I wouldn't have taken the risk to show myself through this letter of mine to you after years of hiding as a result of the brutal murder attempt his mistress made on us, but now I've got no other way.

We survived for this long and made the world believe that we're dead. But after my death and that of my mate, I don't want my daughter to suffer, I'm writing to you in hopes that you'll take her in. I've left her in an orphanage in this very city of Japan, close to the forests. She's an grown up adult of twenty years old, but is as innocent as a ten year old.

Please find her before the next occurrence of the full moon, as till now I was beside her, but now if the transformation happens, I'm afraid she'd panic not knowing where to go in this city full of humans. I've been observing you for a while now and have taken some pictures of you to bring it to my daughter, she'd recognise you the minute she sees you, as for you to identify her, I cannot reveal much for fear of this letter landing in the hands of those we've escaped years ago, all I can say is that my little one's ears are shaped like that of yours.

Please find it in your heart to fulfil the last wish of this desperate mother.

A Suberswillian.

The letter read. All turned to look at Carl, who was now sitting with his head bowed low as tears of regret and hatred for his own self flowed down his cheeks.

"The clues like the murder attempt and the age of the girl mentioned in this letter all point to the fact that it must be aunt Bella talking about Sophia, but how can you be so sure?" Alphard asked and the others seemed to agree with him.

All except for Carl.

"Uncle Carl, want to answer Alphard?" Luna said. He looked up to meet their expectant gazes.

"It's Bella, I recognise her handwriting which was never cursive, but whenever she wrote Luna's name, it took a strange slant, she used to say that she couldn't help it." Carl spoke as the memories came flooding into his mind.

Luna sighed and narrated how she'd concluded that it was Bella.

"When Greg was distracting people at the campsite so we could sneak into the forest, a woman bumped into me, she had a face mask on and since I couldn't sense her energy, I thought it was nothing. It actually seemed like she was trying to escape the wolf like the other humans there, but in reality she deliberately did so and I realised a second later that she'd actually slipped something into the back pocket of my pants. I was the first among us to vanish into the woods and it took a few minutes before Alphard came, so I used the time I was alone in there to read the letter and really thought who this mad woman was until I noticed the way my name was written."

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