32 | The Conference

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"Yes and we managed to capture the one behind all this," Luna kept it vague as the mission's main focus was to bring Will back, not to capture the villian, that was only second to Will's safety.

"Is Mr. Royalves, well and back in town too?" Another reporter asked.

"Yes," Luna answered.

"Is the reason behind this abduction and chasing after the Wolverales boy clear yet?" Came another question.

Luna took a deep breath and nodded before answering.

"All this began some 20 years ago." She started and came clear about how Camille was abducted and the Wolverales had to leave the town because Dorian thought his son was a human.

Then she narrated how the Wolverales boy led a human life and thus his wolf was suppressed throughout all these years. Then came the news about the attack at the Blue Hearts resort and the Wolverales coming back to Suberswills and Luna personally protecting the Wolverales boy. Then Luna finding a clue that led them to travel to the white continent and thus the discovery of the beast with the Blood Thirst mark and the reason for him to look out for the Wolverales boy.

The crowd gasped at this revelation. An evil beast was out there and they weren't even aware of it, this made them realise that the royal family along with the Wolverales had to go through hell just so their people could live peacefully.

Then she revealed that how the Wolverales boy, upon falling in love with his own mate one day, finally found his beast within that was suppressed for all these years. Then the villain getting into Will's head for information as his daughter was the one protecting the Wolverales boy, then the boy and his mate leaving to find the weapons and finding that Will was kidnapped when they returned.

Then came the rescue mission facts where they found Camille and at this moment Luna called Camille to step out of the agency. The crowd gasped once again on seeing the woman who was supposed to be dead 18 years ago. Then she narrated how she found Will and kept it a secret so that they could get to the one after the Wolverales boy. She also revealed how the beast with the evil mark was defeated and how she was planning to get him to attend therapy sessions.

"Ms. Royalves, what about Greg Sylve? Is he actually involved?" Luna exhaled sharply at the question.

"About that," She paused for a moment before continuing. "I'd first like to bring the Wolverales boy in front of you all."

There was another gasp from the crowd on seeing the 'Wolverales boy' for when Luna called him out, Alphard who was known to be a bad guy and long labelled to be dead, emerged from inside the agency, even Stephen, Amaira and Philip were gaping at him in shock.

"Ms. Luna, he..." Philip blinked rapidly, not believing his own eyes.

"He is the Wolverales boy, Alphard Wolverales." She revealed. "And for his mate..." She looked at Alphard.

He smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, receiving more gasps from the crowd.

"Ms. Luna Royalves here is the one I fell in love with and thanks to her I found my wolf." Alphard spoke into the mic as Luna got a little emotional.

She'd waited for the moment they can go public on their relationship and with the moment finally here, she couldn't help but shed tears of joy. Luna composed herself and addressed the gathering.

"When we got to know that out Mayor has been missing, I and Alphard sought help from Greg and he gladly agreed. Everything from when Greg and Alphard were arrested was staged to protect Alphard from the one after him and to give them the satisfaction that our investigation was moving in the wrong direction as Greg was clearly not one of them." Greg and the others inside the agency were then called upon stage.

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