25 | The Vision

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"Wake up!" Someone yelled and banged the door to their room. "Soon, wake up!"

Another cry followed and Luna opened her eyes when someone barged into the room she and Alphard were asleep in.

"Mom, you should knock before ent___" Luna stopped Alphard's groaning.

"Shh, Alphard. This seems serious, hurry." She jumped out of the bed and followed Camille.

Alphard walked behind Luna as if he was possessed and had no other option than to follow her. Camille took them to the room Luna's parents were in. Greg was already in there and Alphard's sleep completely vanished when he heard the screams.

"What's going on!?" He pushed the ladies behind him and barged in himself.

Luna peeked over his shoulder and gasped at the sight, Laura was holding Will's arm and Greg had him pinned down, as if preventing Will from kicking anyone. Luna immediately understood what was happening.

"Sh*t, dad's been targeted again." She ran to Will and released Laura's grip on his right arm. "Move back, mom. Greg, you too. Let me handle this."

"Be careful Luna, he's being aggressive and just tried to strangle your mother." Camille informed.

"What!?" Alphard shouted.

Luna sighed and took hold on both of Will's hands in her left. He was struggling to keep himself from attacking others at the same time as he tried blocking the one trying to get into his head.

"Breathe dad, close your eyes and breathe." She placed her right hand over his forehead. She thought for a while and decided to give her thought a try, though she herself wasn't sure of it. "Nobody will come close to us until I say so, no matter what happens to me." She told the others.

"I don't have a good feeling about this," Greg mumbled.

"If you don't feel good, then wait outside, I need no interruptions." She said and closed her eyes, focusing on her energy.

Alphard watched her as she focused and furrows appeared between her eyebrows. Sweat broke out from her forehead and trickled down the sides of her face.

Luna pressed her hand hard on Will's head, she slowly ran her fingers to ease his pain. Will's left hand had managed to slip out of her grip, he was in no state to register anyone's presence and so grabbed Luna's neck, strangling her like he'd done with his mate just moments ago.

"Luna!" Alphard yelled in horror and was about intervene, but Greg and Camille pulled him back. "Let go!"

Luna struggled to breathe, but made sure her focus for the task at hand didn't waver, Will needed her now. Her father needed her.

Alphard was still yelling, so Camille gave Greg a look, he nodded at her and took Alphard out of the room, while she moved close to Laura.

"Why's it this hard to choose between the one you birthed and the one you made them with?" Laura whispered. Camille looked at her shockingly.

"You won't lose either of them, Laura. Luna's strong, she knows what she's doing." She rubbed Laura's right arm in comfort. "Let's get out of here." They joined Alphard and Greg.

In here, Luna had managed to connect with Will's mind. She sensed mixed signals.

"Calm down dad, calm down. It's me Luna, your daughter. You're being drawn by some dark force, I know you're stronger than this, stronger than to let some evil b*stard pull you into his net. We need you, come back to us. Come back to your children, your friends and the one who needs you more than all of us will ever do, come back for your mate, please." Luna spoke in her mind.

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