13 | The Riddle

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"It is the place, mom. How else would you explain the warren mentioned in the riddle? Chinchilla valley it is, I'm sure." Luna said.

"I agree with her, Laura." Will nodded.

"Fine then. When are you two leaving?" Laura asked.

"Now," Dorian answered for them. "I don't think we should delay it anymore."

"Yes, dad." Alphard said then faced Will and Laura. "We did our packing earlier this morning,"

"Yep, it's right we leave now, a week has already slipped out of our hands from the 1 month break we'd Greg approve for us." Luna sighed, for it was her recovery that'd been holding them here. Alphard noticed it.

"It wasn't for nothing, we found so much that'd help us." He smiled at her.

She still wasn't used to someone feeling exactly how she does. It was a strange, but pleasant feeling.

"Thanks," She whispered so that only he'd hear her. "So, we all leave the workspace together and carry on with our daily lives, okay?" All agreed, she continued. "Dad, be careful if that fool of a f*cker tries to contact you again." Will nodded. Alphard ran a comforting hand over her arm sensing that she was angry.

They got their bags which didn't have much, but only what was deemed necessary. Luna made sure that the both of them had hydrogen sprayed over them before walking out of the workspace.

According to the map, they'd to head North to reach the Chinchilla valley, but they decided to take the opposite direction till they feel that no one was following them while their parents made their way home.

Already at a safe distance away from the workspace, they began to feel that they weren't being followed. Though they'd now head in the right direction, they continued on the same path.

"It's all gonna work, Luna. I've a feeling we won't fail." Alphard suddenly said.

"I still feel weird, you know." Luna said smiling.

"As much as I love feeling how you do, believe me, it's even more strange to me than it's to you." He let out a hearty laugh, she looked at him lovingly. "What?"

"Nothing," She looked away.

"You do know that I feel what you feel, don't you?" He smirked.

"Then why do you ask?" Blood rushed to her cheeks.

"To hear it from that sweet mouth of yours,"

"Flattery," She rolled her eyes.


"You're not the only one to sense how your mate feels." She snorted.

"Right!" He took his right index and thumb to his lips and pretended to zip it, making her chuckle.

"You know, I feel blessed to have you as my mate," She said, eyes fixed on the path ahead.

Alphard could sense nothing, but pride and love. He smiled to himself. As he'd already said, he really loved to feel how she did, but it felt strange at times. It wasn't anything like knowing what the other thinks, but the simple fact that he knew her so well was enough for him to tell what she was thinking just by feeling what she felt and he knew it was the same with her too.

"Same here, you're the best thing that's happened to me so far."

"You mean, aside from your parents and discovering that you're a werewolf too?" He laughed.

"The werewolf part? Yeah, I'm glad to be one." He shrugged. "With my parents, it's more like I happened to them,"

"Too much over yourself, aren't you?" She swatted his right arm playfully.

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