19 | The Forest

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"Ms. Luna, Stephen needs immediate medical attention." Amaira informed.

Luna breathed and tried to act normal.

"Take him back to the agency and have his mate informed and over at the agency, it'll help him heal faster. I'll continue this with our other suspect." She looked over at Greg, who was still standing with his hands cuffed. "Also, take care of the reports regarding what just happened here."

Amaira and Philip, the other agent who'd accompanied them nodded and proceeded to walk back to the agency with an injured Stephen. Before they left, Stephen handed the camera to Luna so she can continue recording.

The second they were out of sensing range, Luna sank to her knees and let out a wailing scream. Greg rushed to her side and crouched down beside her.

"Luna, gather yourself." He whispered.

"What've I done, Greg? What will I do without him beside me? What've I done!?" She sobbed into her palms.

"What happened is not your fault, Luna." He said.

"I killed him, Greg! I'm responsible for this!" She sobbed more.

"We're out looking the possibilities here Luna, he might be alive!"

"I don't sense him, Greg. Nor do I feel what he's feeling at the moment, not even the pain! Shouldn't I if he's alive and hurt, which he should be if he'd managed to escape the explosion?" She reasoned.

"You're not thinking clearly. He might as well be unconscious!" Greg exclaimed. Luna just cried more.

"I killed him! I did. What will I answer to uncle Dorian..." She took her hands from over her face.

"What the..." Greg frowned. "Luna, your face...it's...it's covered in blood..."

"What!?" Luna turned her hands and found that her right palm had a deep cut and of course bleeding. "How?"

"Alphard." Greg whispered. "I told you he's alive! We should go search for him before it's too late."

Luna got up and ran towards what was left of the jeep. She walked around it and found that there was a barranca to its left; deep and dry.

"We need something to get down there," Luna looked around. "First we're getting that thing off of your hands." She uncuffed him and had the thing in her back pocket.

"Into the woods. We'll find something there for sure." Greg said, rubbing his wrists as they were released from the constraints.

The both of them went into the part of the hill from where Luna had grabbed a broken branch. They gathered vines and made sure that those would be able to hold both of them.

They tied one end of the vines to a nearby tree while the other went around their waist. Luna also grabbed the torch she made earlier, from which the fire was out now and Greg had the camera hanging around his neck.

"I'll go first," Luna said and got down. Greg followed close. "Be careful, it's unstable. See to that your weight is only on the vine and not on the slope while you support your foot on it to get down, we don't want rocks falling over us now." Greg nodded and continued with care.

They reached the bottom after what felt like an hour and took a few minutes to catch their breaths. Luna took the broken branch that'd been sticking to her side all this time out on her right hand.

"Any other injuries?" Greg asked her as they began walking.

"I don't know, I don't feel pain to say that I've got one." She ran her left hand through her hair and froze. "D*mn!"

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