Chapter 3

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In A World Of She-Sluts And Man-Whores ---  There's Us


Lizzie - 15

Well that sucked. The night turned out nothing like Stef and I had planned with Kyle and Jase, two super cute guys from school we know.  We totally thought we'd had it all under control. Apparently, the boys were complete and total dumb asses.  They talked about the evening plans, bragging about meeting up with us, and the alcohol that they had scored. Jack, Mac, and the rest of the guys heard what we were up to, and totally busted up our night. I am so ticked off, we were ready, we looked so cute, HOT even! We were both wearing tight black leggings, I was wearing a black off the shoulder shirt (Total Sexy Sandy from Grease) and red pumps that Stef and I found in Kats closet, Stef was wearing a tight pink shirt with black leggings and pink pumps (again from Kats closet). We both styled our hair straight, and didn't go with make up because it's summer and we're tan, just a little lip gloss to make our lips stand out.

Jase and Kyle, met us out back by one of the sheds, they'd even grabbed a couple of bottles of beer, which by the way we don't drink because it tastes gross. By the time we met up with them, they'd obviously already had a couple of drinks because they were kind of lit. They didn't even notice when Stef and I didn't drink the beers they gave us. We were laughing and giggling, having fun, the boys totally flirting and putting their arms around our shoulders. All of a sudden Kyles hand dropped down to my breast, it kind of freaked me out, I mean we hadn't even kissed yet, and he's running straight to second. I shrugged it away and pushed his hand off of me. I looked over at Stef and saw she was dealing with Jase and the same issue, we both started to get up to leave when the guys pulled us down and jumped on top of us. That crap escalated quickly! Stef and I were both fighting them and yelling for them to get off of us, I had just punched Kyle when all of a sudden there was a big roar of commotion and suddenly Kyle flew off of me. Stef is crawling over to me, she's crying like I am and we're both watching Jack, Slater, Mac and some of the other guys punching and throwing Kyle and Jase around. Jack is yelling at the guys saying he will kill them if he ever sees them around us again, and that they're dead and to never try to come to another club party. Slater is yelling and punching, Mac is laughing with the other guys, taunting Kyle and Jase about what "big men" they are.

Then Coop and the other guys grab Jase and Kyle and take them out, I guess to the parking lot, definitley out of the party, and hopefully (though probably not) out of Ventura.

Stef and I are then left with super angry and mad Jack, Mac and Slater, with both of us crying and the guys fuming.

Uh oh.

Stef and I are huddled together sitting on the ground, we're both sniffling, but not as much as before, and unfortunately I think we're both doing the ugly cry.  We're holding hands as Jack and Mac bend down to sit with us. They look pissed. Slater is standing next to them and has some weird throbbing jaw thing going on, and freakishly angry eyes, he also has a pulsing vein on his temple that looks like it might explode, he just keeps muttering under his breath while he shakes his head back and forth and glares at us, but he mostly evil eyes Stef.

Jack does this low growly angry voice, "What the fuck girls, what the fuck did you think you were doing with those two douche bags? Fucking hiding out at a club party after you were supposed to be gone, and you're drinking with the two dickheads. Fucking drinking? You guys don't even know if they drugged that beer, which by the fuck way, Slater heard them say they were going to do! You two are fucking idiots! How in the fuck are we supposed to trust you when you do this kind of fucked up shit?"

Stef looks at Slater and full on cries, "They drugged the beer? We didn't drink any, I promise, we hate beer! Why would they do that to us? We were just going to kiss them a little, I swear!"

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