Chapter 25

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Sweet Ass Epilogue - A Few Years And Kids Later


Looking at my wife and kids pull the truck into the garage, I never fail to question that this is my life, that beautiful brilliant woman is my wife, those 4 wild animals are our children, there aren't words to describe my joy, appreciation, my fucking wonder at the life I have.  How in the fuck did an asshole like me end up with all this good?

Lizzie and the boys scramble out of the garage, and walk towards the house, Lizzie and Lach in front, Devlin and Killian each carrying a grocery bag for their mother, last but not least, and yep, trying to sneak the cookies out of Kills bag.  Katherine Grace, named after Kat, is perched in her favorite spot, on Lachlans hip.  Our little Katie Gray is wearing her typical daily costume of bright purple glittery tutu skirt, a crown, a batman cape and red cowboy boots to complete her outfit of the hour.  The girl changes clothes all throughout the day, so who knows what she'll be wearing in an hour.

Devlin was born a couple of years after Lizzie graduated with her Masters, Killian followed not even two years later.  Those two are close, but they idolize their big brother Lach.  But no one is more devoted to the Lach Monster than Katie.  When Lizzie was pregnant, Lach told us that he was done with little brothers, he had two, they were 'ok' but he wanted a sister.  He kissed his moms stomach, and said, 'I know you're in there little Kat, I can't wait to meet you'.  We'd lost Kat a few months earlier to a car accident.  A drunk driver slammed into her car, and despite her seatbelt being on, she died on impact.  The only thing that gives us any comfort is that it happened so quickly, she probably didn't even know she was going to be hit.  Our family, our club, anyone who knew her, really took a hit with the loss of Kat, she was the mom to not just Jack and Steffi, but Lizzie, and me, and hell, the whole fucking club.

When Lach called our baby 'Kat', we knew that was the name, and sure as shit, our little girl was born, making us all smile and laugh with her silly and loving view of life, keeping the spirit of her namesake alive and giggling.  She became 'Katie Gray' when Killian couldn't pronounce her middle name, it felt kind of wrong calling her 'Kat' so she became her own version of our first mom.

Devlin is a wild man, he's crazy smart and interested in everything, but lately, he just wants to play his guitar, the kid is a natural musician.  He plays several instruments, and he's usually either singing, or tapping out a new song with his drumsticks or fingers.

Killian is just as wild as Dev, and the two of them come up with some crazy ass ideas.  Their creativity with getting into shitty trouble puts Jack, Coop, Slaters, Parker, Lukes and my actions to shame.  We got into obvious mischief, stuff you could see coming a mile a way, the things Killian thinks up, thats next level shit storm.  He's also a wily little hacker, he's a challenge now at 10, I afraid what hacking skills he'll develop in the teen years.

Our oldest, our first born, the Lach monster.  He and I are close, we were a duo for several years, but nothing tops the relationship he has with his mom.  If he's in trouble, if he's got a question, or if he's pissed off at the world, he goes to his mom, her words calm him, just like the rest of us, she's the answer to the worlds stresses, and she's also the mother fuckin reward.  From the first time she held him, there was just something there, they get each other, it just proves that you don't have to be blood related to love hard and parent.

They're loud and laughing as they all crash into the kitchen, I hear Lizzie telling Lach to go check for a delivery on the front porch, Lach runs into the living room, shouting back at his mom, that he bet it was something for his birthday, he was right.

"Surprise!!!"  70 of Lachs friends, aunts, uncles, club relatives, all shout and scream, shooting confetti and shit at the birthday boy, he stops in shock, frozen in place.  Then a smile slowly spreads across his face.

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