Chapter 19

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Welcome To My Life, AKA, The Shit Show, Starring Mac-Ass

Early Morning After Thanksgiving


Ok, I've been trying to sleep for hours, and all I can think about are the worries that Kilt has for his grandson and son, how the guys said that Mac isn't getting ready for the baby.   Sanibel came over after dinner, and filled us in on what's going on with her sister.

Apparently, Savanna is planning on leaving with the baby after it's born, and moving to another club.  San said she's almost positive that Savannas going to leave the baby here, and move by herself, she says that Savannas super mad that the club keeps her locked up and 'bored', she doesn't even want Mac anymore, she just wants to escape.  San thinks that if the club wasn't keeping her at the clubhouse, that Savanna would be out drunk and partying every night, what a gal.

Sans parents aren't doing anything to help their daughter or their grandchild, they've 'washed their hands of the problem',  poor Sanibel, she keeps trying to reason with her sister, but there is no heart in that witch.  Sans parents are all but leaving San alone as well, they don't want to deal with either daughter, so Sanibel is planning on staying in New York next year, not coming back at all.  I feel bad for her, her parents are jerks, her sister's a psycho, and she's all alone, we're trying to convince her to transfer to UCLA, it's in state tuition, and close to us, hopefully she will.

But all this talk has made me so worried about the baby.  Despite my worries that this is an awful idea, I sneak out of Steffis room, and into mine.  I change into some leggings, sweatshirt and running shoes.  I guess I'm doing this, I'm going to hunt Mac down, and try to talk some sense into him.  We were friends, kind of friends for a long time.  I might have crushed on him for years, but there was always a foundation of friendship between us, I have to do this, if I don't, I'll feel like I'm letting my friend down.

Sneaking out the door, and running across the yard, I start heading towards the clubhouse, when I hear steps behind me.  I freeze in place, trying to figure out who is here in the dark.

"Knew you'd do this, I knew you'd try to reason with him, get him to face his future."  Coops deep voice comes from the side of me, I honestly had no clue he was so close.

"You were waiting for me?   How did you know I'd be going over there?  I just decided a few minutes ago."  I truly am amazed that he knew id try to talk to Mac.

"Because even though everything is a mess, you still care and want him and the baby to be ok.  That's not you being weak, that's you being a caring person Lizzie.  I'm not going to try to talk you out of it, you've got to do what you think is right.  But you're not doing it alone, I'm gonna go with you, if things go south, I want to be there for you.  I love you both, and he needs all the help he can get right now."  Coop walks beside me, we're trapping through the dark, not really speaking much, I think our thoughts are too loud in our heads, we don't need words to share.

Arriving at the club house, I'm taken back to the last time I was here, Steffis and my joint party.  A night I thought was going to be all full of magical and sparkly loving feelings.  It was, for a hot minute, then it was an ice cold bucket of ugly harsh reality thrown in my face.

"Lizzie, he's in a real shitty headspace, I'm just warning you.  He'll probably be drunk, feeling sorry for himself, and angry at the world.  He's been fucking defensive and whining about how 'unfair' it all is.  But there are times when he shows that he does kind of get it, he talks about the fucked up choices he's made, he's not always introspective, but he's trying and I think he is starting to figure it out."  

Coop is so sweet, whatever girl that ends up with him is going to be lucky, he's a loyal, smart and kind friend.  He's trying to help Mac, but he still has my back.  I'm lucky he's my friend too.  As we walk into the room, I feel my heartbeat pick up, I see the spot where I was standing when Savannas baby announcement crushed my world, I see where Mac had a club girl on his lap and Savanna under his arm, the night they got together.  Whoa, all these memories and emotions are knocking the breath out of me, this is much harder than I thought it would be.

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