Chapter 23

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My Son Just Slobbered All Over My Face And It's The Closest I've Come To A Kiss Since The Graduation Party Shit Show


"Da, da, da!" My son sings out at the top of his lungs as I walk into his day care. He's smiling and drooling, sitting in Miss Carlys lap. For some reason, every day I pick Lach up, he's with Carly, in her lap or arms, so I need to talk to her and check him out with her supervision. I'm not totally stupid, I know she likes me, I'm just not into her. She's a really fucking nice girl, great with Lach and the other kids, she usually goes to all the kids birthday parties, and the kids love her. When she was at the club party for Lach, she followed me around, sat next to me, paid lots of attention to Lach, but it made me uncomfortable. She's nice, nothing wrong with her, but I'm not interested, I'm still totally waiting for Lizzie. Speaking of Lizzie, I did notice that she was watching Carly at the party. I'd like to think she was jealous, but I really think she was just checking her out, making sure she was good enough for Lach.

Lizzie and Lach have a bond, they love each other and for whatever reason have a sweet connection. I like to think that it means that we'll be a family some day, but the longer it takes, the less likely I think it will happen, I'm still hoping though.

When Lizzie broke up with fuckin Ted, I thought that meant she was ready for us, I was sure as fuck wrong. I know she's dated around, no one special or longterm, no boyfriends, but she's beautiful, smart and funny as shit, so there's a fuck long line of guys who want her. I can't say shit, because I was a shit, and that's why I don't have her. But, I have Lach, and I wouldn't change that for any god damn thing in the world, so whatever that means, I guess even though I don't have her, I do have him, and he's fucking everything.

We've become friends, that might be all I ever get from her, just friendship. It fucking sucks, but I'll take it. The girl is fucking amazing, works and puts herself through school, skates through school because she's a smart ass genius, has all my dumb ass friends loving and protecting her, the love of our club, and the best judge of character I know, my son, loves her.

So I'll continue doing what I've been doing for the past few years, raise my son, be a good dad, brother, son, and keep trying to make inroads with Lizzie. Slow fuckin going man, so damn slow.


I'm back to loving my life, things have fallen into place and my world is again moving smoothly.  I'm almost done with my junior year, just a few months to go.  I took a few accounting classes and found that I love it.  I know, it's hard to believe that someone would love accounting, but I love how it makes sense.  I also have gotten into the forensic aspect of it, and that is super challenging, its a mystery and you have to follow clues, find hidden discrepancies, you can't necessarily believe the information you've been given, it's almost like a game, I just really think it's fun!

Steffi is amazed that this is where I'm headed, but then she hated every single math class we ever took, so no big surprise there.  We just signed the lease for our last year in the apartment, it was a sad and exciting thing for both of us.  Stef and Slater plan on living together when we graduate, and then I will be on my own, whether I want to or not.

But, I think I'll be ready to live alone, I love Stef, she's more my sister than friend, and watching her relationship with Slater evolve over the years, well, there isn't any way I couldn't celebrate their plan to live together the year before they get married.  That girl fell in love with Slate when she was barely in double digits, and it never changed.  Whether he was being a jerk, oblivious or clueless, she stayed true to the boy she saw.  When he became a man, he showed that he was truly the person she saw all along, and he has been as devoted to her as she is to him.

Now the rest of the guys, no such changes for them.  They are still playing the same old game, lots of girls, few, if any relationships, just mostly hook ups.  Jack and Parker are probably the worst, though Luke isn't much better.  Now that I think about it, Jack is definitely the worst, he's just so damn funny, girls are never angry with him.  He's charming, sweet, and fun, and he never leads anyone on, so, I guess if they're all ok with it, then it doesn't really matter, not what I want, but it's not my business either.

I don't think Mac has had a girlfriend, or even dated, I've seen him recently with a girl that works at Lachs day care, she seems nice, but I haven't really talked to her, I just don't want to.  Since Lach was born, Mac has turned into the best dad, you can see in everything he does that his goal is to be like Kilt, nothing like his mom or Ronnie.  I'm proud of him, I knew that he would be a good dad, Lach is happy and so sweet.  I love that boy, every time I see him, I have to cuddle and hold him, it's hard to put him down and say good bye.  Maybe I like giving him what I never got, I don't ever want him to miss having a mom like I did, but I really think it's just because he is an amazing kid, and I love him.

After breaking up with Ted last year, I didn't date, I just enjoyed being not tied down.  Ted was wonderful, very supportive and loving, the perfect first boyfriend, I just wasn't ready to be serious like he was.  We had coffee a few weeks ago, and he let me know that he was dating a girl, and he was really thinking that she is the one.  I hope so for him, he deserves a really good love, I just wasn't the right girl for him.

I've dated a little since we broke up, but no one seriously, I don't want a relationship right now.  I want to enjoy my time with Steffi, Sanibel and the guys.  It will all change next year after graduation, so I'm going to enjoy every minute until we all go different directions.  

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