Chapter 4

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Once the sun was edged out of the sky, I wiped the purple cupcake frosting off my nose and crumpled the wrapper into a tiny ball. I tossed it in the trash bin and made my way down the deck stairs back to my mom.

I folded my legs under myself on our tie dye blanket that was laid out across the Anderson's backyard. The sun had set and everyone stretched out on the grass to watch the firework show. Matthew's dad called him from the deck to help bring down blankets, which wasn't long after he told me his name.

The fireflies began to flicker around us, the only light we had out here other than the occasional illumination of a phone screen. As it got darker the air had thinned out from its heavy, humid state. Crickets chirped in the background and the soft waves rolled up the sand.

"This is nice." My mom whispered in the dark, she sighed and laid back putting her arms under her head.

"Yeah." I said quietly. I haven't been this at peace in what felt like years, but was just a few months.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" Sarah called from the top of the step. Everyone turned to see her shadowy figure slipping on a jacket. There was a chill in the air but it was refreshing.

"Yeah, light em' already!" Someone called from across the yard.

"Okay Jim," Sarah yelled back exasperated, "Keep your panties on!"

Everyone chuckled at their banter and Sarah delivered the message to Mr. Anderson that everyone was ready for the show.

We all laid back in wonder as the fireworks popped and fizzed through the air, the loud booms reverberating off the water. Shades of blue, yellow and red illuminated everyone's faces as I looked around taking it all in. It was a much better show here than across the lake.

I looked around the crowd and my eyes couldn't help but flit to Matthew's.

He was already staring at me.

I could just barely see the corners of his lips twitch up into a smirk as he turned to continue watching.

The occasional ooh and aah  erupted in the crowd. I laid back next to my mom and intertwined my fingers with hers.

I peeled my eyes open and squinted against the sunlight filtering past my sheer white curtains. My room hadn't changed much from when I first got here, all of my clothes staying in my suitcase, all of my toiletries never being placed on the dresser. I pulled the covers over my head and folded myself into a ball.

Last night we got back late, probably around 11, we offered to help clean up the trash strewn across the yard to make it easier for them in the morning but they very insistently refused. By the time I showered, pulled on some pajamas, brushed and braided my hair, it was a little past 12. My brain clearly wasn't used to the lack of sleep because I normally went to bed around 10:30 so I didn't feel awful the next day.

I lay there for about another 10 minutes just listening to myself breathe.

In, out.

In, out.

In, out.

I finally worked up the nerve to roll myself out from under the covers. I tucked my hair behind my ears and stumbled downstairs and into the kitchen. I tied up the drawstring of my drooping sweatpants that are much too big for me and pour myself a cup of coffee in a pretty mug decorated with flowers and smiley faces.

As I stirred in my creamer I looked up to see Mom standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. She squinted and scratched her head, "What time is it?" She mumbled as she dragged her feet to the coffee machine.

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