Chapter 34

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The rain barrels down on the roof and I sink further into the couch. I watch the drops pelt the surface of the water through the window overlooking the lake. I've been reading in the living room ever since my mom left a few hours ago.

Her friends all planned a few days away at a hotel outside of town. They wanted to go somewhere but they still wanted to be able to make it back quickly if they needed to. I helped her pack this morning, she made me promise I wouldn't bake while she was away and she was gone by noon.

She was debating not even leaving last night because she said that we barely got to hang out all summer. But I reminded her that we live together and who knows when she'll be able to see these women again for the rest of the year and it would only be a few days. She finally agreed and I brought out the ice cream.

Now I'm sitting in the living room because I always thought that being in your room while you're home alone is depressing. The house was so still and quiet the rain was more than welcome.

All of this sitting alone has led to a lot of thinking. Particularly thoughts of a certain boy with a certain cat and a certain love of literature and Taylor Swift.

I can't lie and say that kiss on his front porch hasn't been replaying in my head for the past day and a half. The sun shone just right, his chest was warm and solid, everything felt as if it was exactly as it should be. It was perfect— this whole summer had been perfectly imperfect.

I don't allow myself to dwell on the fact that it will all be over soon. I'll still be in touch with Mattie and I'll have to ask the boys for their numbers, but what if they don't come back next year. What if one of their other friends buys a beach house so they all go there and I never see them again?

Okay Lilah, chill. You'll see them again, you just need to take a deep breath and stop thinking so much.

Ding dong.

My head whipped around to face the foyer. Did I just imagine that? I probably did, it's a pretty small noise and the rain is so loud I don't think I'd be able to hear a doorbell.

Ding dong.

Nope, this time I definitely heard it.

I pushed the blanket onto the couch and straightened my shirt when I stood. I tucked my hair behind my ears and started towards the foyer. Who could possibly be ringing my doorbell in the middle of all this rain? Maybe my mom ordered a pizza to the house? But she would call me if she did that, and the pizza guys don't deliver in this kind of rain. A month ago we begged them to deliver a pizza and they held strong on their no pizza in the rain rule. Mom argued that pizza is served best in the rain, which we don't believe we just wanted pizza. Needless to say they didn't go for it.

I squint through the rain covered window next to the front door. I suck in a breath, "Oh my god." I mumble as I fumble to slip my flip flops on and pull open the door.

"Hi." Said a rain soaked Matthew Remington.

"What are you doing?" I ask quickly. He whips a hand down his face and his dark blue shirt clung to his abdomen. I force my eyes back to his face where a small smirk was already on his lip.

"Well currently I'm waiting for you to say hi back." He said, as if it was obvious.

"Hi. What are you doing?" I ask again.

"I heard every girl wants their kiss in the rain." He shrugs.

I couldn't help it when a goofy smile took over my face and I said, "You walked over here in the rain to give me my kiss in the rain?"

I swear I could see him blush. "Well I—" He started, but he got cut off by me grabbing his arm and dragging him down the steps. I stop dragging him along halfway down the path to my house.

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