Chapter 21

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I fill my flimsy paper plate with brownies and our homemade cookies. I didn't make them of course— I can't bake to save my life. Every time I try it either burns or spills everywhere so I gave up trying long ago. One time I tried to make Christmas cookies but they came out of the oven so burnt you could put it on the end of a stick and call it a mallet.

My thoughts are interrupted by a, "Hey Lilo." Matthew sidles up next to me. I'm standing at the long picnic table that used to be filled with a tray of fruits and rows of every flavor of tea imaginable, but was now filled with an array of desserts.

"Lilo?" I ask incredulously, "No way, it doesn't even match." I laugh.

"What?" Matthew gasps and throws his hand on his chest dramatically, "You know, I'm personally offended you don't like my nickname for you, and it so matches, Lilah, Lilo."

"Sure," I roll my eyes. If I fight him on it he'll make it a point to call me by that name —and only that name for the rest of the summer, "What should I call you, then?"

"Yours." He says with a lopsided grin.

My cheeks heat and I try to duck my head so he hopefully can't see.


God, why did he have to say things like that? I won't make it through the night at this rate.

"I think people might get confused if you suddenly change your name so drastically." I counter and brush past him to the stairs.

He follows at my heels until I make it down the steps and he's at my side again, "You make a fair point but obviously not everyone would call me that," He grins and steals one of my brownies, "Just you." He says before he pops it in his mouth.

"Hey! You owe me a brownie now." The sun is making its descent and the sky is a dark hazy blue. The grass is cold from lack of sun and it tickles my ankles since I'm only wearing flip flops.

"Deal, you owe me a nickname," he replies.

"Deal, Mattie it is then."

His face breaks into an explosive grin, "I'd like that a lot."

My lips pull upwards because seeing him smile will always make me want to smile. He was sunshine in human form and you could either shield your eyes or bask in it.

"Oi you two!" Miles shouts from our now cozy circle of chairs. Since I had the brilliant idea of actually lighting the fire after they all complained about how cold it was. Boys.


"Play All Too Well." Mattie tells Xander across the fire. Xander apparently, is a very skilled guitarist, whether it be electric or acoustic. It makes sense, he has that look about him— that rock star look. It must be the dark hair– or the middle part. Almost like a young Leonardo DiCaprio, but brunette.

"We played that last time." Monty says, "Play something new."

"Screw off, both of you. I'm picking the song for once." Xander responds to both of their nonstop requests. It's endearing, though, they seem to be like brothers.

Even though Dean hasn't said much of anything, I can see him keeping a watchful eye on all of them. His personality is different from the rest of them.

I've already labeled them all— it helps me not feel so anxious around people —especially new people— when I've put them into their respective boxes.

Monty is the funny guy, makes everyone laugh, sharpest wit, and is quick with a comment. Miles is the shy to strangers, out going with his friends type. Seemingly compassionate, always slinging an arm around one of their shoulders or punching them in the arm. Xander is the artsy type, I mean he plays guitar, it needs no further explanation. Mattie is the sweet type, ray of sunshine, full of smiles, and I can tell by the way he looks at them all that he loves them.

But Dean, I can't place him in one of my boxes. I could put him in the cold narcissistic box— but I don't think he fits there either. He doesn't seem like a narcissist, just quiet, calculating. I can't help but wonder if this is his plan, he seems like the type to say so little so he can keep people guessing, and I'm playing right into his hand.

But February made me shiver

With every paper I'd deliver

Bad news on the doorstep

I couldn't take one more step

I recognized the song immediately, American Pie by Don McLean.

I can't remember if I cried

When I read about his widowed bride

But something touched me deep inside

The day the music died

Xander's voice is soft but strong and the strumming of the guitar he had packed up in his car fills my ears and envelopes me in comfort. I watch Monty flourish his hand out to Dean, "May I have this dance?" He asks dramatically.

"You may." Deans replies.

He grabs Monty's hand and Monty twirls around and around across the grass —with no balance or grace whatsoever. I tilt my head at them and it's not even watching Monty try to teach Dean a pirouette that intrigues me. It's their difference in personalities. Dean wears a tight black t-shirt, most likely to show off his muscular form. Whereas Monty wears a loose white t-shirt, and he's not any less muscular believe me. Dean walks with purpose, like he has somewhere extremely important to be. But Monty sort of floats through people. He makes quick quips as he passes and greets people casually. At least that's all I observed from our walk to the dessert table.

"Don't question it." Mattie leans in closer to me. "Monty took ballet as a joke in freshman year, he never left— he claims it makes him an artist, and maybe it does." Mattie shrugs, "You should have seen us at his recital we all had a proud mom moment that day, we bought him a bunch of flowers and screamed so loud when his name was announced," He laughs loudly and shakes his head, then he stands in front of me with his back to the fire, "Dance?" he offers out his hand.

So bye-bye, Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levee

But the levee was dry

Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye

Singing, "This'll be the day that I die"

I grab his hand and he pulls me to him, we're in the same position we were when we were at the carnival. I turn my head slightly and see Miles clapping when Dean jumps up to perform the move Monty was just trying to teach him —which looks alot like him trying to do a leap but almost face planting into the grass. Miles sings along with Xander, who is now singing much louder than before.

The last few remaining adults have retreated inside. I learned that these guys are staying with Mattie for possibly the rest of their summer, they aren't really sure yet.

"So how long are you guys sticking around for?" I asked curiously before I took a sip of my soda.

Miles shrugged and while he was unpacking his guitar Xander looked up and said, "I don't know, maybe the whole summer, maybe a week." He stared at the grass before he continued unpacking the guitar, as if reminiscing. But his furrowed brows told me it probably wasn't a happy memory.

I learned that all of their parents are out running some fancy corporation somewhere in another country and don't really seem to care if their kid runs off for the summer.

Monty starts singing along with the rest of them, followed by Dean, who is followed by me. That's right, I sang the lyrics of American Pie with a group of almost complete strangers, as a not-so-stranger spun me under the stars while the fireflies flickered all around us.

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