Chapter 10

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I wave to the woman I bought my bracelet from, the man I buy my peanut butter from, and the grandmother that hems broken bathing suits as I meander around the market. A young woman, probably in her mid twenties, strums a guitar and sings into a microphone under a tree. People swarm around her holding fresh fruit and their weekly groceries.

As much as I want to stay and watch, today, I am on a hunt for peaches.

And of course, I know just who to get them from.

I cut through a second hand clothing booth, which is the quickest path to Jasmine's from the entrance. Through the crowd of people I catch a glimpse of Jasmine's wise face.

That's what I always tell her, that she has a wise face. Because she does— she has the kind of face that makes it seem like she knows everything there is to know, and that she knows much more than you.

She's busy talking to someone though, I should probably come back later. But then the crowd parts and I see just who she's talking to.

I march right over there.

"Lilah." Jasmine smiles warmly.

At the mention of my name Matthew's head whips around, "Hey." he says.

"Hey." I reply, narrowing my eyes.

What was he doing here?  He shouldn't be here.

I know it's selfish, trust me I'm aware. But I'm finding him in every corner of my life.

Everything is changing so fast. This summer was supposed to be peaceful and quiet.

And who's the polar opposite of quiet?

Matthew Remington.

"What are you doing here?" I ask with a hint of accusation in my voice.

Of course he catches it, "Shopping." He gestures around us to the busy market, then slips his hands back in his pockets.

"Really?" I ask sarcastically. I hand Jasmine my money and begin picking out a mixture of oranges and peaches.

He nods, "Mhm."

There's a beat of silence between us where we just look at each other. I'm the first to break it. "Thank you for the flowers." I say as kindly as I can, and I mean it. I've never received flowers before.

He smiles, "Of course."

I suddenly turned suspicious, "What were they for?" I ask cautiously.

"Because I saw them and they reminded me of you and, I saw your phone lock screen yesterday," I raise an eyebrow questioningly, "Paper Rings, good choice, you know that's my favorite by the way," He pauses, "But I'm sure you do my little stalker." he adds teasingly.

I roll my eyes, "I'm so proud." He says and puts a hand to his chest.

"Shut up." I elbow him in the ribs just as Jasmine walks back over to us. I can hear him bite back his groan.

"What trouble are you two causing?" She asks and looks back and forth at us.

"Trouble? Me?" Matthew asks dramatically, "Never, Lilah on the other hand, was just telling me all about this massive bank heist she pulled the other day."

I shoot him an unamused look, "She's a terrible influence." he adds.

"Sure." Jasmine chuckles then a new customer walks up to the stand and steals her attention.

"Terribly funny." I say dryly, "Really witty."

"Did you just quote Harry Potter to me?" he asks. I can't hide my shock that he knew the reference, "Okay, yeah, I'm a potterhead, let it soak in." he says.

I smile. Really smile. Because he's a potterhead. I don't know why that makes me so happy. I'm a potterhead, it's not that big of a deal.

A smile tugs at the corners of his lips, "I was serious, by the way." He says.

"About?" I ask, confused.

"The phone number thing."

"I know."


"So, what?"

"Can I have it?" he asks.

"Can you have what?" I ask, trying to see how long I can keep this up before he notices.

"Your numb- oh, ha ha." Once it clicks, I laugh, he doesn't.

"Please?" He asks nicely.

"Okay." I roll my eyes, but I'm not annoyed. I would have given it to him anyway without the 'please' but it was a nice touch.

We swap phones and I put my name in as Lilah with a book emoji and an orange emoji, just so he will never forget that time I threw an orange at his head. I take my phone back and it buzzes immediately.

Mattie: :)

He put his name in as Mattie, I don't even call him that. I should change it, but I don't.

Me: very cute

Mattie: I know I am you don't have to tell me

He laughs at the moment it takes for me to understand and I can't help but join in.

Like I said: Matthew Remington is infectious.

And I think I'm coming down with something.

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