Chapter 30

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"Pancakes could be better." Dean says after he swallows.

Monty throws his napkin at him from across the table, "My pancakes are great." He pauses and looks around the table, "Right?"

"Mhm." I agree and take another bite.

I look at Mattie and watch him try to communicate something to Xander with his eyes. Mattie kicks him under the table and Xander sits back. He clears his throat, "Lilah, we are really sorry about last night," he says genuinely, "if it's any consolation, Dean made us scrub the whole rug this morning while blasting hard rock."

I hum to myself and smile, "It is actually," I say. Mattie snorts and I continue, "Though I couldn't hear the music from my house so," I trail off.

"So it probably should have been louder," I nod as Mattie finishes for me.

Monty's mouth falls open in mock horror, he points at us and says, "you two are evil, so evil."

I shrug casually and take a sip of my orange juice, "somebody has to be."

"And that person can be Dean," Miles gestures to where Dean sits. "Don't turn to the dark side, Lilah," He pleads with me.

"Too late." I say and take another bite of my pancake.

Mattie laughs beside me and just the sound makes my face flush. I need to get a grip, he's just laughing. I duck my head into my plate in a poor attempt to hide it.

When I look back up Monty is talking to Mattie, "Even though I'm eternally grateful, you should probably stop buying our medicine because you're turning into a mother."

Mattie laughs and asks, "And what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, I'm just saying I think you should turn off those motherly instincts."

"I think you should shut up." Mattie replies and takes a sip of water.

I snort at their banter and Miles adds, "I don't see anything wrong with it," he shrugs. "I personally appreciate Mother Mattie."

"Okay that's not becoming a thing, ever." Mattie adds in.

Monty stands up and raises his glass, he clicks his fork against the side even though he already has our attention, "hears to Mother Mattie, whose maternal instincts saved us from yet another hangover."

Dean cups his hands over his mouth and yells, "Boo."

Mattie does the same and says, "sit the hell down."

I look to Xander expecting him to be joining in but his eyes flick behind my head. I turn around and find my mother standing in the kitchen doorway, her brows furrowed as she takes in the scene before her. After a moment she says, "okay, I'm not going to question what a bunch of teenagers are doing in my kitchen," and she heads for the coffee.

I stand quickly, "Mom, I hope we didn't wake you up," I say even though I know we probably didn't.

"No you're fine sweetie," she says as she stirs in her creamer.

"Okay good," I pause then turn to the boys. "This is Xander, Miles, Monty, and Dean, you already know Mattie," I pause then say, "guys, this is my mom."

They all wave to her and say their own form of greeting, "Hi boys, you can call me Emmaline," she waves to them as she heads for the living room. "Mattie I'm glad to see you again." She smiles warmly and casts me a glance over the top of her coffee mug when she takes a sip.

I've noticed she doesn't like going by 'Mrs. Grace' anymore. I assume it's because she hates the reminder that the man she took the name from, the man that she loves, is no longer here to love her.

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