Are you a Gryffindor?

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Gryffindor Characteristics:

- You have a thirst for adventure.

- You like to challenge authority.

- Whenever you did a group project in school, even if you weren't the smartest, you'd always be the one to present to the class.

- You voice your opinion every time, almost to a fault - even if it gets you in trouble with friends or significant others.

- You have never once backed down from a dare.

- You have been punished several times for breaking the rules.

- Whenever something rough happens at work or to a friend, your first reaction is not to console but rather to just do something.

- C'mon, guys, where's your sense of adventure?" is something you frequently say.

- It's not that rules don't apply to you - it's just that, you know, sometimes they get in the way of doing what you think is most effective so you kinda bend them a little.

- Your energy is limitless, and you have a reputation for being something of a jock or athlete.

- You're always getting into trouble.

- You're awfully opinionated.

- You think other houses are nothing but losers.

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