Chapter 16 - Okay

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Ravenna POV:

I can't believe an upperclassman asked me out on a date. Not just any upperclassman but my sister, Jack's friend.

I did a slight background check on him and he seemed cool enough for me to date. He even seemed good-looking enough.

I agreed to go out with him because my friends kept saying that it was a once in a lifetime chance. It had become annoying as all my friends told me how I shouldn't let this opportunity go.

At the moment, I was getting dressed. He had said that he'd come and pick me up after school. I didn't have any classes today so I just stayed at home and watched reruns of Grey's Anatomy to pass the time.

Deciding to wear a pink flower dress, I put on light makeup. This was the best I would dress-up for a date.

While I was brushing my hair, I heard a car honk which I was sure was Adam's.

"Ravenna dear. Your date is here!" A minute later, I heard my mother's voice from downstairs as I called back to her.

"I'm coming in a minute!"

"So, you're going on a date?" I rolled my eyes when I heard her voice before nodding my head as a reply.

"And he's Jack's friend?" Sandra asked with a raised eyebrow that I could clearly see from my closet mirror. I nodded my head again.

"Yes. Do you have an objection?" I asked her, feeling slightly annoyed as I gave her my complete attention.

"Why would I? It's not like you're marrying him or something." Sandra chuckled after saying that, making me roll my eyes again.

"What do you want, Sandra?" I asked, trying to know why she had come to my room to talk like this. She must have a reason.

"I want you to stay in your own business. If you're going on a date with Adam, it doesn't mean that you snoop around for answers." Sandra answered with a straight face, while I smirked at her, tying my hair in a ponytail before going over to my purse and picking it up.

After checking if I had everything with me, I went over to Sandra, and gave her my long due response.

"Oh, trust me. My dear sister, I won't put my nose somewhere it doesn't belong. But if it has something to do with Jack then it is my business. Now, would you please get out of my freaking way!" I exclaimed loud enough for her to hear as I pushed past her.

She moved out of my way and I smirked going past her. I went down the stairs and saw Adam sitting in the living room with uncle Rick, who was watching tv.

I cleared my throat to catch his attention and smirked when I saw his reaction.

"Close your mouth Adam." I giggled, feeling good about myself when I saw his slightly embarrassing reaction.

"Huh... Uh... Oh yeah, you look amazing." Adam managed to get the whole sentence out which made me laugh, and here I was worried he would have trouble getting all that out.

I gave him a genuine smile, "Thank you. You look amazing too"

Adam smiled with a light blush as he looked at me.

"Should we go now?" Adam asked as he glanced from uncle Rick to me. Uncle Rick didn't really care about anything as he kept his eyes on the t screen.

I nodded my head towards Adam and we bid our farewell to uncle Rick before going to the front door.

"Wait! Ravenna!" Sandra called after me.

Ugh. Why is she so annoying?

"What, Sandra?" I asked her completely annoyed by her interruption yet again.

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